
Núñez de Arce’s Will , Madrid (1895)

Source: Archivo Histórico de Protocolos de Madrid, T. 37814, f. 1332r-1335v

Núñez de Arce’s Will , Madrid (1895), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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            Chapter 1 Page 5 of 7 total

            them any direct descendants;
            and because of the social positions
            that Antonio and the husband of Concepción,
            Mr. Rafael González Cosío, have achieved,
            they have acquired passive rights for themselves
            and theirs wives; that his brother Braulio is loaded
            with children and, due to his kind of fate,
            he is unable to aspire to leaving his family
            either a widow's or orphan’s pension;
            given the above reasons and feeling obliged
            to ensure the education and luck of his nephews,
            who are the only ones who can perpetuate the surname,
            in his view he will comply with a duty of conscience
            in accordance with the arrangements laid down for what
            little he owns. However, he suggests to his inheritors
            that if, due to the vagaries of fortune,
            his aforementioned brother or sister were
            at any time in need and


            ado sucesión directa; que por las posicio-
            está cargado de hijos, sin que por la
            clase de destino que ejerce pueda aspirar
            á dejar á su familia ni viudedad ni
            orfandad; juzgándose por las razones
            expuestas obligado á velar por la edu-
            cación y suerte de sus sobrinos, únicos
            que están llamados a perpetuar el
            apellido, cree cumplir con un deber
            de conciencia disponiendo en la for-
            ma que dispone, de lo poco que po-
            see. Recomienda, sin embargo, á sus
            herederos que si por azares de la for-
            tuna, alguna de sus dichos hermanos
            se encontrase alguna vez necesitado y


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK