
Núñez de Arce’s Will , Madrid (1895)

Source: Archivo Histórico de Protocolos de Madrid, T. 37814, f. 1332r-1335v

Núñez de Arce’s Will , Madrid (1895), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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            Chapter 1 Page 4 of 7 total

            and Luz Fernández de la Reguera,
            increasing the fifth part to the first-born,
            Gaspar, who he has raised as his
            own son. It shall be understood that
            the interested parties, who must agree upon the
            above-mentioned disposal, shall be
            the usufruct heiress and the
            legal representation of
            other inheritors of the estate, without the
            need for the legal authorities or anyone else
            to intervene_________________
Second. He bequeaths to his brother and sister,
            Antonio and Concepción Nú-
            ñez de Arce, one thousand two hundred
            and fity pesetas, in cash, for mourning, as
            a reminder of his fondness for them.
Third. He hereby states that he would have wished to
            divide the limited estate he was able to
            to accumulate from his work between
            his aforementioned brother and sister
            who always found in him the love of a father;
            but as his estate is limited for dividing
            among many participants ; as God did not give


            y de Doña Luz Fernández de la Reguera,
            mejorando en la quinta parte al primo,
            génito Don Gaspar, a quien ha criado
            como á hijo, entendiéndose que los
            interesados que han de ponerse de acuer-
            do para la enajenación anteriormente
            indicada, lo serán la heredera usu-
            fructuaria y la representación legal de
            los otros herederos en propiedad, sin que
            precise la intervención de la autoridad
            judicial ni otra alguna_________________
Segundo.Lega á cada uno de sus hermanos
            Don Antonio y Doña Concepción Nú-
            ñez de Arce, mil doscientas cincuenta
            pesetas, en metálico, para lutos, como
            recuerdo del cariño que los tiene.______
Tercero.Hace constar que bien hubiera que-
            rido repartir entre sus dichos herma-
            nos que siempre han encontrato en
            él el amor de un padre, los pocos bie-
            nes que con su trabajo ha logrado re-
            unir; pero considerando lo escasos
            que son para distribuirlos entre mu-
            chos partícipes; que Dios no les ha


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK