
Núñez de Arce’s Will , Madrid (1895)

Source: Archivo Histórico de Protocolos de Madrid, T. 37814, f. 1332r-1335v

Núñez de Arce’s Will , Madrid (1895), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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            Chapter 1 Page 3 of 7 total

            and ensured by the Gentleman appearing before me
            that he is in full possession of his civil rights,
            complete health for understanding and
            is free to exercise his will, in the opinion of
            the witnesses and I, the Notary, he has
            the legal capacity required to make a will
            and _______________________________
            Hereby states :_______________________
            That in the name of God and in his
            right to profess the Catholic,
            Apostolic, Roman faith, he formalizes
            his will and testament in the following terms:
First. He leaves the usufruct of all the properties
            he owns, and those he might own
            hereinafter, as well as the ownership
            of his literary works and the product of his
            works of art, furniture, books,
            etc that the interested parties in mutual agreement
            consider suitable to alienate,
            to his legitimate wife, Isidora
            Franco y Jimeno. Upon her death,
            it is his wish that ownership passes to his brothers' children,
            Braulio Núñez de Arce


            y asegurar el Señor compareciente hallarse
            en el pleno goce de sus derechos civiles,
            completa sanidad de entendimiento y
            libre ejercicio de su voluntad, tiene a jui-
            cio de los testigos y de mi el Notario la
            capacidad legal necesaria para testar
            y _______________________________
            Manifiesta :_______________________
            Que invocando el nombre de Dios y bajo
            protesta de profesar la Religión Católica
             Apostólica Romana formaliza su
            testamento en los siguientes términos.
Primero.-Deja el usufructo de todos los bienes
            que posee y de los que pudiera poseer
            en lo sucesivo, así como de la propie-
            dad de sus obras literarias y del produc-
            to de las obras de arte, muebles, libros,
            etc que los interesados de común acuer-
            do creyeran conveniente enajenar, á
            su mujer legitima, Doña Isidora
            Franco y Jimeno, y al fallecimiento
            de ésta es su voluntad que pasen en propiedad a los hijos de su herma-
            no Don Braulio Núñez de Arce


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK