
Bilateral Copyright Treaty between Spain and El Salvador, Madrid (1884)

Source: Archivo del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, AMAE-siglo XIX, Tratados, 0347-01

Bilateral Copyright Treaty between Spain and El Salvador, Madrid (1884), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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15 translated pages

Chapter 1 Page 1




el Salvador and Spain


guarantee the property


literary, scientific



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      The President of the Republic
      of El Salvador and His Majesty the
      King of Spain; wishing to
      achieve a common arrangement on the
      measures they have considered more
      appropriate to reciprocally guarantee
      in both countries the property
      over literary, scientific and artsistic works
      have decided to conclude a convention
      and have appointed as their Pleni-
      The President of the Republic of El
      Salvador: Mr. José María Torres
      Caicedo, Envoy Extraordinary and
      Minister Plenipotentiary in Ma-
      drid, member and correspondent to
      Spanish Royal Academy, Comendador of
      the extraordinary number of the Royal and
      distinguished Order of Charles III, Great
      Oficial of the Order of the Legion
      of Honour in France.
      and His Majesty the King of Spain:
      Mr. José Elduayen, Marquis of
      Paso de la Merced, Grand Cross of

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      the Royal and distinguished Order of
      Charles III, of Leopold of Austria, of Pio
      IX, of the Legion of Honour in France,
      of St. Mauritius and St. Lazarus
      in Italy, of the Star of Romania,
      of the Osmaniye in Turkey
      and Collar Knight of the Order of Wasa in Sweden,
      His Minister of State, Honorary
      Senator, Former Tax and Colonial
      Minister, General Inspector of the
      the association of Civil
      Who, after having exhibited
      their full powers and found
      them to be in good and due form
      have agreed on the following articles:
      Article I
      Nationals of the Republic of
      El Salvador in Spain and nationals
      of Spain in the Republic of El
      Salvador, who are authors of books,
      pamphlets, or other writings, of dramatic
      works, of musical compositions

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      or musical arrangements, or works of drawing,
      painting, sculpture, engraving,
      lithography, illustrations of geographical
      maps, and, in general of all
      kinds of scientific, literary,
      or artistic productions shall enjoy,
      the advantages stipulated in this Treaty,
      reciprocally in each of the two States,
      as well as those which the law in
      either State now grants
      or may hereafter grant in relation
      to copyright in works of literature,
      science or arts.
      In order to secure these advantages,
      to obtain damages, and to take action
      against counterfeiters, they shall enjoy
      the same protection and the same
      legal remedies now granted or that
      may be granted hereinafter to national
      authors, in each of the two countries,
      either by way of special copyright laws

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      on literary and artistic works
      or by general civil or criminal
            Article III.
      In order to extend the protection
      provided by article 1 to all works of
      of literature, science or arts, and
      consequently, for the authors
      or publishers of these works to be
      admitted before the courts of the two
      countries, it shall be sufficient
      for the said authors or publishers
      to justify their copyright by means
      of a certificate issued by the
      competent public authority
      proving they hold the copyright in their
      own country in relation to the
      work in question against any
      infringement or illicit reproduction.
            Article III.
      The provisions provided by article

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      1 shall equally apply
      to the performance or execution
      of dramatic and musical works
      in either of the two states
      of authors or composers
      of the other country.
            Artículo IV.
      Translations of national or
      foreign works made by a writer
      from either state are expressly
      assimilated to original works.
      Thus these translations shall enjoy the
      protection given by this Convention
      to original works insofar as their
      unauthorized reproduction in the
      other state is concerned.
      However, it should be clearly stated
      that the purpose of this article
      is only to protect the translator
      in respect to the translation he made
      of the original work, and not to grant
      any exclusive right of translation
      to the first

Chapter 1 Page 7

      first translator of any work
      written in a dead or living language.
            Article V.
      Nationals of either country
      who are authors of original works
      shall have the right to oppose
      the publication in the other country
      of any translation of these works
      not authorised by themselves. This right
      shall continue throughout the whole
      period for which the literary copyright in
      the original work has been granted, that is
      to say, the publication of an unauthorised
      translation shall constitute in all respects
      an unlawful reprinting of the work.
      Authors of dramatic works shall enjoy
      reciprocally the same rights in relation
      to translations or the performance of
      translations of their works.

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            Article VI.
      Any indirect unauthorised appropriations
      such as adaptations, imitations so-called
      as "imitations in good faith", utilisations
      transcriptions of musical works, and, in
      general, any use made by way of printing
      or on the stage of literary, dramatic or
      musical works without the authorisation
      of the author are also prohibited.
            Article VII.
      However publication in either of the two
      countries of extracts or entire fragments
      of the work from an author of the other
      country, either in the original language
      or in translation, shall be reciprocally
      lawful, provided that such publication is
      particularly suitable for pedagogical purposes
      and is accompanied by explanatory notes.

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            Article VIII.
      Works that appear in installments
      and articles or pamphlets that the
      authors of either country publish in
      newspapers may not be reproduced or
      translated in periodicals or periodical
      collections of the other country, nor
      published in volume form or in any other
      manner, without the permission of the
      authors. This prohibition shall not
      include articles of political character.
            Article IX.
      Legal representatives or sucessors in title
      of authors, composers, and artists shall
      enjoy reciprocally, and in all respects, the
      same rights as those granted by this convention
      to authors, translators, composers and artists.

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            Article X.
      Copyright in literary and artistic
      works recognised in this convention
      is given to the author, translator, composer
      and artist during his entire life and,
      after his death, for a further period of
      fifty years to his surviving spouse, heirs,
      "irregular sucessors",donees, legatees,
      assignees, or any other person holding
      such copyright in accordance with the
      legislation of his country.
      Article XI.
      The importation, sale or exhibition of
      scientific, literary or artistic works,
      printed or reproduced in either country
      or in any foreign country without
      the authorisation of authors or owners
      of such works, is prohibited.

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            Article XII.
      Any edition or reproduction of a
      scientific, literary or artistic
      work made contrary to the provisions
      of this convention, shall be taken
      to be an infringement.
      Any person who publishes, sells or
      places on sale in, or imports into,
      the territory of either of the two
      countries infringing works or objects
      shall be punished in accordance
      with the relevant law in force in
      the respective country.
      Article XIII.
      The stipulations of this convention
      shall not in any way prejudice the
      right either of the High Contracting
      Parties to authorise, supervise or
      prohibit, by legislative or domestic
      police measures, the circulation

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      performance or exhibition of
      any work or production against
      which the competent authority
      may exercise this right.
      This convention shall not in
      any way affect the right of
      either High Contracting Party
      to prohibit the importation into
      its own territory of books which,
      by virtue of its domestic law or
      agreements concluded with other
      Powers, are or may hereafter be
      declared to be infringements.
      In duplicate
      Madrid 23 June 1884

      J.M. Torres Caicedo      José Elduayen
      National Palace. San Salva-
      dor. 31 July 1884

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      Convention published in the official Gazette
      Year CCXXIV- vol. 171. 20 June 1885-

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      Convention published in the official Gazette
      Year CCXXIV- vol. 171. 20 June 1885-

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      Convention published in the official Gazette
      Year CCXXIV- vol. 171. 20 June 1885-

Translation by: José Bellido, based on a previous translation published in "Copyright Laws and Treaties of the World" (Paris, UNESCO, 1992)


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