# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Rules to preserve the property of authors over their works, Madrid (1813)

Source: Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE, Signature: U/10282 V.4) from Colección de los decretos y órdenes que han expedido las Cortes Generales y Extraordinarias, Volume 4, 1813, (Spain) pp. 105-106

Rules to preserve the property of authors over their works, Madrid (1813), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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            Chapter 1 Page 2 of 2 total

for forty years from the date of the first edition.
      III. After the period of time mentioned in
the previous articles, these writings shall become
common property, and everybody shall have the
possibility of printing them whenever they want.
      IV. When someone acts against what is
established in the first two articles of this decree,
the interested party may initiate proceedings against
him before the judge, who shall decide the case in
accordance to the enforceable laws regulating against
the taking of someone's else property.
      V. Identical situation arises when those who
act fraudulently made literal reprints of any newspaper
or of any of its articles.
      The Regency of the kingdom is hereby notified
for its enforcement and shall arrange for its printing,
publication and circular. _ Given in Cádiz, 10 June 1813 –
Florencio Castillo,President.–José Domingo Rus,
Deputy Secretary.-Manuel Goyanes, Deputy
Secretary.- To the Regency of the kindom.- Reg. Book. 2
fol. 195


término de quarenta años contados desde la fecha de
la primera edicion.
      III. Pasado el término de que hablan los dos ar-
tículos precedentes, quedarán los impresos en el con-
cepto de propiedad comun, y todos tendrán expedi-
ta la accion de reimprimirlos quando les pereciere.
      IV. Siempre que alguno contraviniere á lo esta-
blecido en los dos primeros artículos de este decreto,
podrá el interesado denunciarle ante el Juez, quien
le juzgará con arreglo á las leyes vigentes sobre usur-
pación de la propiedad agena.
      V. Lo mismo se entenderá de los que fraudu-
lentamente hicieren reimpresiones literales de qual-
quiera papel periódico, ó de alguno de sus números.

      Lo tendrá entendido la Regencia del Reyno pa-
ra su cumplimiento, y lo hará imprimir, publicar y
circular. _ Dado en Cádiz á 10 de Junio de 1813 –
Florencio Castillo,Presidente.–José Domingo Rus,
Diputado Secretario.-Manuel Goyanes, Diputado
Secretario.- A la Regencia del Reyno.- Reg. Lib. 2
fol. 195


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK