
Rules for Printers and Book Merchants' Guild in Madrid , Madrid (1763)

Source: Archivo General de Simancas, GYJ-979

Rules for Printers and Book Merchants' Guild in Madrid , Madrid (1763), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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            Chapter 1 Page 6 of 9 total

      it would be convenient if you could
      support this huge enterprise by taking
      a maximum three per cent interest.
      This amount of money is necessary for
      guaranteeing the security of the shares
      of all interested parties. This would give
      the directors the relevant powers for it.
      That in order to know the economic
      situation of this trade, an annual
      sample shall be taken of everything
      that has been printed, its product and
      the printing utensils and devices, and
      every three years, an interested parties'
      general meeting shall be held to show
      the progress and usefulness that have
      ocurred, and if applicable, these shall .
      be divided.
      That the absent interested parties of
      this guild may delegate and give power
      to any of the interested parties in this
      court, and to on one else, so he may
      vote at the general meetings.

That for the present time, and until the
first General Meeting is held, none of
the directors, bookkeper, secretary,
treasurer, and warehouse keeper shall
not perceive any salary. They will be
given a gratification for their work,
according to the (economic) worth they
have produced in three years. The esta-
blishment will regulate this; and by the
rule, this will continue hereinafter, as a
stimulus for other directors and officials
who will follow in the future.
That at the interested parties' general
meeting, the directors and the rest of
employees can be changed, by plurality
votes. If some consider it suitable for
the progress of the guild to change
anyone, the person elected should be
selected from practical and intelligent
persons in this trade, proven and
skilful for management, and interested
in this guild.


      te; convendrà, que para poder sostener
      Obra tan vasta, se tome a interès de un
      tres por ciento, lo mas, el dinero que
      sea necesario para ella, afianzando para
      su seguridad las Acciones de todos los
      Interesados, y dando estos las facultades
      correspondientes para ello à los Directo-
      Que para tomar conocimiento de el
      estado de este Comercio, se formarà an-
      ualmente uno de todo lo que se huvie-
      re impreso, su producto, y enseres, y
      à los tres anos se tendrà una Junta Ge-
      neral de Interesados, en que se manifes-
      tarà los progresos, y utilidades que, hu-
      viese, y si conviniere, se harà un repar-
      timiento de ellas.
      Que los Interesados ausentes de esta
      Companìa podràn embiar su Poder à qua-
      lquiera de los Interesados en ella en esta
      Corte, y no à otro, para que vote en las
      Juntas Generales.

Que por aora, y hasta la primera
Junta General, no han de fozar sueldo
alguno los Directores, Contador, Secre-
tario, Thesorero, y Guarda-Almacen, à
quienes se les harà la gratificacion cor-
respondiente à su trabajo, segun las uti-
lidades que produzca en los tres años,
que se regùlan para su establecimiento; y
por esta misma regla se continuarà en lo
sucessivo, para que sirva de estimulo à
los demàs Directores, y Oficiales, que
Que la Junta General de Interesados
podrà mudar los Directores, y à todos
los otros empleados, por pluralidad de
votos, quando esta mudanza de alguno,
ù algunos se considerase conveniente à
los progresos de la Companìa, cuya
elección deberà recaer en personas prac-
ticas, è inteligentes en este Comercio,
acreditados, y hábiles para su Direccion,
e Interesados en la misma Companìa.


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK