
Rules for Printers and Book Merchants' Guild in Madrid , Madrid (1763)

Source: Archivo General de Simancas, GYJ-979

Rules for Printers and Book Merchants' Guild in Madrid , Madrid (1763), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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            Chapter 1 Page 5 of 9 total

      What the book merchants' guild
      has printed hitherto, must be
      organized practically as it is
      abolished from the day the guild
      was started.
      For governing this guild, five directors,
      a bookkeeper, secretary, treasurer, and
      warehouse keeper must be appointed
      for both groups. The directors are in
      charge of applying for licences, purcha-
      sing paper, adjusting the printing,
      and throwing away sheets, and other
      trade-related matters. The bookkeeper
      shall do the accounts, and according to
      purchases and adjustments, make the
      drafts, take note of them, and calculate
      the annual accounts. The secretary is in
      charge of the correspondence with
      the interested parties outside the court,
      as agreed with the directors; write the
      agreements in their books,
      en los Libros de ellos, and take custody
      of the papers belonging to this guild.
      The treasurer shall perceive the funds,
      and deliver the amounts by virtue of
      payments signed by two directors,

      and once the bookkeeper has noted
      them, they shall be issued and receipts
      shall be given for the books that are
      finished, so the printers can deliver
      them. The warehouse keeper shall
      perceive and take custody of the books
      that are left over after distributing them
      among the shareholders, and sell
      them in paper by the dozen at the
      acceptable prices indicated to him, and
      deliver the produce monthly to the
      treasurer, taking the relevant receipt
      for this and annually submitting his
      accounts to the bookkeeper.
      That as it is necessary to print many
      books for Your Worship has abolished
      their privileges and for which we hope
      you will grant us your Royal piety for
      better developing this art and trade,
      and for which large amounts of funds
      are required, which printers and book
      merchants of this guild cannot suddenly
      put together, due to the current
      economic situation;


      nìa de Mercaderes de Libros en los que
      ha impreso hasta aquí, la que queda
      abolìda desde el dia de la formacion de esta.
      Que para el gobierno de esta Com-
      panìa se nombraràn cinco Directores por
      ambas Comunidades, un Contador, un
      Secretario, un Thesorero, y un Guarda-
      Almacèn, siendo el cargo de los Direc
      tores solicitar las Licencias, compras de
      Papel, ajuste de Impresiones, abrir y
      tirar Laminas, y demàs cosas concernien-
      tes al Comercio. De el Contador, llevar
      cuenta, y razón de las expresadas com-
      pras, y ajustes, hacer los Libramientos, y
      quedarse con la razón de ellos,y formar
      las cuentas anualmente. De el Secretario,
      seguir la correspondencia con los Intere-
      sados fuera de la Corte, segun lo acuer-
      den los Directores; escribir los Acuerdos
      en los Libros de ellos, y custodiar los
      Papeles pertenencientes à esta Companìa.
      De el Thesorero, percibir los Caudales,
      y entregar las cantidades, que en virtud
      de Libramientos firmados de dos Direc-

      tores, y tomada la razón por el Conta-
      dor, se le libren, y dar los Cargaremes
      de los Libros que se despachen, para que
      en su virtud lo entreguen los Impreso-
      res. De el Guarda-Almacèn, perceibir, y
      custodiar los Libros que queden de rema-
      nente despues de hecho el repartimiento
      entre los Accionistas, y venderlos en pa-
      pel por docenas, à los precios còmodos,
      que se les senale, y entregar el produc-
      to mensualmente al Thesorero, tomando
      el Harè-buenos correspondiente de este
      y anualmente presentar su cuental al Con
      Que siendo preciso principiar las Im-
      presiones de muchos Libros de los que
      S. M. se ha servido abolir sus Privilegios,
      y de los que esperamos de su Real pie-
      dad nos concederà, para mayor fomen-
      to de este Arte, y Comercio, y necesi-
      tar para ello crecidos fondos, los que
      no se podràn juntar de pronto entre los
      Impresores, y Mercaderes de Libros, de
      que se ha de componer esta Companìa,
      por lo decaìdos que se hallan al presen-


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK