
Rules for Printers and Book Merchants' Guild in Madrid , Madrid (1763)

Source: Archivo General de Simancas, GYJ-979

Rules for Printers and Book Merchants' Guild in Madrid , Madrid (1763), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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            Chapter 1 Page 3 of 9 total

      That every share of this guild
      must occupy one thousand five
      hundred reales of parchment,
      so that those with less wealth,
      may also become interested. A period
      of four months counted from the day
      this guild is constituted is given to
      them and after that time, they shall
      not be admitted.
      That the owners cannot take out
      of these shares and they can only
      concede or sell them after advising
      beforehand who wants them for
      their fund. Therefore, this must be
      referenced, otherwise the requirement
      will be void for its sale.
      That, as the book trade is vast
      due to the amount of works that
      can be printed from all faculties,

      and for which it is necessary to spend
      large amounts of resources, and
      because some printers do not
      have sufficient enough at the present
      time to become suddenly interested
      in this guild; and as the purpose of the
      guild is to develop a framework for
      everyone to earn the profit it produces,
      so they are not excluded from it,
      undoubtedly they shall receive a discount
      on the works for which they are
      commissioned, (made to the Directors'
      satisfaction) up to the capital of eight
      shares, which they must settle in full
      within one year. If this is not reimbursed,
      they shall give them in shares for whatever
      they have accrued. They have another alter-
      native, which is to settle whatever remains
      in money.
      That the printers mentioned who are
      interested in this guild and entrust it with
      a work, as they are in this court, they must
      settle on a weekly basis the sheets
      they deliver to chapels, according to the
      adjustment of each,


      Que cada Accion de esta Compañìa
      ha de ser mil y quinientos reales de
      vellon, para que comodamente puedan
      interesarse aun los de mas corto caudal,
      y se concede quatro meses de termino,
      contados desde el dia de la formacion
      de esta Compañìa, para que en ella se
      interesen; y pasado dicho tiempo, no
      seràn admitidos.
      Que el Capital de estas Acciones no
      se ha de poder sacar de ella por sus
      Dueños, y solo las podràn ceder, ò ven-
      der, dandola cuenta antes, quien si las
      quisiere para su fondo, ha de ser pre-
      ferida por el tanto, fin cuyo requisito
      serà nula su venta.
      Que siendo tan vasto el Comercio
      de los Libros, por las muchas Obras que
      se pueden imprimir de todas Facultades,

      y en que se necesitan emplear crecidos
      caudales, y al presente no hallarse algu-
      nos de los Impressores con los suficin-
      tes para interesarse de pronto en esta
      Compañìa; y siendo el fin de su forma-
      ción el fomentarles, y que todos logren
      del beneficio que produzca, para que no
      queden excluìdos de èl, desde luego se
      les admitirà à descuento en las Obras
      que se les encargue, (haciéndolas à satis-
      faccion de los Directores de ella) hasta
      el capital de ocho Acciones, el que han
      de satisfacer íntegramente en el termino
      de un año; y si en èl no lo huvieren
      reintegrado, se les darà en Acciones lo
      que tengan devengado, fin que les que-
      de otro recurso, que el de satisfacer en
      dinero lo que resten.
      Que à los referidos Impressores, que
      se interesen en esta Compañìa, y se les
      encargue Obra para ella, estando en es-
      ta Corte, se les ha de satisfacer semana-
      riamente los pliegos que entreguen de
      capillas, segun el ajuste de cada uno,
                              A3                              quie-


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK