Miguel de Çervantes, I say I have
composed a book entitled the
ingenious gentleman of la mancha, which
I hereby submit. I ask and beseech Your
Highness to grant me a licence and
a privilege to print it for twenty
years, taking into account the amount of
work and study I have spent in composing
the said book and because it is a pleasant
and curious reading and of great talent, upon
which I shall receive your goodness and favour.
And for that, etc.
Miguel de Cervantes
Miguel de Çervantes, digo que yo e
conpuesto un libro in titulado el in
genioso hidalgo de la mancha del qual
hago presentaçión. A Vuestra Alteza pido
y suplico sea servido de darme licencia
y previlegio para imprimirle por vein-
te años, atento al mucho estudio y tra-
bajo que en componer el dicho libro e
gastado y ser de letura apacible curiosa
y de grande ingenio, quenello recebiré
gran bien y merced.Y para ello, etc.
Miguel de Cervantes