# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Printing Privileges to Monasteries , Toledo (1487)

Source: Archivo Catedral de Toledo; ACT, Fondo Capitular, V.2.D.1.19

Printing Privileges to Monasteries , Toledo (1487), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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            Chapter 1 Page 1 of 1 total

Mr. Pedro Ximénez, by the grace of God and of the
Holy Roman Church, bishop of Badajoz, of the Council of our King
and Queen, collector, commissioner and apostolic executor of the
bulls of the Holy Crusade granted by our very holy Pope
Innocence, for the divine providence of the Eighth Pope in
favour of our King and Queen for adjutorium of the war
that your Highnesses made, make and expect to make,
by sea and overland against the Moors of the kingdom
of Granada, our enemies and of our holy Catholic faith,
as is well-known in the kingdoms of Castile, Aragon and Sicily.
To all the distinguished prelates and all the abbots, priors,
superiors, deans, archdeacons, primary officers, succentors, schoolteachers,
guardians, as well as those from cathedrals, college churches, canons and
parochial churches, rectors and all the archpriests, vicars, clergy, priests and
chaplains and curate and non-curate perpetual beneficiaries and also
any religious orders and other ecclesiastic persons from whatever
church and religion, friars and convents of any order and monasteries
and noble sheriffs (corregidores), mayors and constables, members of
justice, aldermen, gentlemen, squires, officials and councillors and good
men and all other people of whatever condition or dignity or pre-eminence,
to whom the contents concern or might concern. To each of you, in the
name of our Saviour Jesus Christ and our commandments that are truly
apostolic and firmly complied with and obeyed.
As you and everyone well know how our very holy father Innocence VIII,
informed about the huge expenses and substantial dangers and works that
have been undertaken in continuing the holy and just war and how our
King and Queen themselves and with those from their kingdoms and
heir subjects and nationals have diligently at huge expense and work have
continued the said war. Cities, towns, and places have been won in the
forementioned kingdom of Granada and expelling and removing from
power the said unfaithful people, whose temples are rebuilt in God our
Saviour's honour and in our holy Catholic faith, and thus captive
Christians are finally released and redeemed. Once again this year, a new
bull is granted by way of a bull and brief bull with its true lead seal.
Therefore, it is issued, increased and ordered that all bulls and indulgences
should last and prerogatives (sic) and concessions and jubilees and any
other graces, by our very holy father Sixto for the divine providence of
the glorious memory of the fourth Pope and by our very holy father
Innocence, granted and newly confirmed to the holy crusade until
Saint Michael’s Day in September next year in the year fourteen eighty-eight
and wherever in this holy church and city of Toledo where it has been
published and notified. As it has not been possible to present and
publish the new and last bull that your Holiness issued and extended
in some of these cities and villas and places in the above-mentioned
kingdoms because everyone knows of the issuance and extension and
confirmation of the new date, at the request of the treasurers of the
holy crusade, we hereby order that our letter is given for this cause.
We advise and notify you of your news and we inform each of you
of this issuance and extension and confirmation of this bull that
lasts until the said day of Saint Michael next September, as stated.
And from the above-mentioned apostolic authority, we order that
under penalty of censorship, sentences and judgments and curses
contained in these bulls and under penalty of ten thousand maravedís
each of you pay for the holy crusade that you make public and notify
the extension and lengthening and confirmation in your churches and
places. When the above-mentioned treasurers and preachers of the holy
crusade or any of them or whoever is empowered by them, ask for or
request from any of you, that you tell them and feel free and are
unimpeded to preach all the above indulgences, graces and concessions
and everything contained in these bulls, as well as the issuance and
extension that Pope Innocence concedes and grants. The same applies
when any such preachers want to give a sermon about these bulls and
new extension from others involved in the holy crusade. You, together
with your congregation and parishioners at these sermons and preaching,
can state that we order that the day you notify these preachers and
treasurers or any of them that this bull has to enter any cities, towns and
places within these kingdoms and dominions or any of them, that you
come out to receive with your congregation and parishioners with the
cross and ringing the bells. You go out to receive it with solemnity and
obeisance and worship that such a holy crusade can grant in favour of
our holy Catholic faith. This should be received as on the first and second
occasion and as best as you can.
In addition, we order you under sentence of the said censorship, sentences
and judgments under a fine amounting to ten thousand maravedís for the
holy crusade that, from now on, this holy indulgence be received in every
city, town or place where it is shown until the day when it expires in the field.
Keep them and maintain a holiday from any type of work and if in some citiesw
and towns and places there are two or more churches, we hereby order that the
said archpriests, vicars, clergy, priests and chaplains and their lieutenants, together
with their congregation and parishioners go to any church you deem to be
appropriate and necessary to give the aforementioned sermons, according to
which as arranged and ordered by these treasurers or by the preachers or any
of them or by the person or persons empowered to do so. They all provide a
great service for God and for our holy Catholic faith and a service of our King
and Queen and a great refreshment and consolation, health and remedy, to the
souls of the Christian congregation. None of you should even dare do anything
to the contrary, in any other way than to do and comply with this. Anyone who
is contradictory and rebellious or disobedient or a disturber who falls and incurs,
or who might fall or incur, related to the censorship, sentences and judgments
and curses contained in the aforementioned bulls, which we include in these
writings and fulminate in them. If you, they or anyone, according to whom these
bulls are extended and fulminated shall pay a fine of ten thousand maravedís for
the holy crusade.
And to enforce this sentence, we empower the treasurers of the holy crusade
or any of them or whoever they empower or whoever there is, so that you can demand and
enforce them to pay, as stated, and if anyone does not want to comply or obey this
letter or who are obstinate and rebellious, we order you, the aforementioned
archpriests and vicars, priests and clergy to denounce or publicize them, to denounce and
denounce for excommunication, peeling the bells and lighting candles and others.
We hereby order all the sheriffs and members of justices as well as anyone ecclesiastic or
secular, that as required in our letter and order, that you detain the bodies of such
obstructing persons and disturbers and any others who do not or will not obey or comply
with it, that you confiscate their property and roots and at their expense, you securely bring
them and imprison them before us so we can examine the quality of their crimes. We shall
proceed to strive for and enforce these bulls and letters and orders issued by the King and
Queen and in everything we do we shall proceed according to merit and by right, as per
the content and form of these bulls as their implementation so requires. You shall warn
the sheriffs (corregidores) and member of justice that if you do not undertake and comply
with this, we shall proceed against your persons and property. We shall charge you for any
damages and harmful consequences and infringements, which, due to you cause, were
followed and increased the holy crusade. We will also order others to keep ecclesiastic
hold of your persons.
Issued and dated (sic) in Toledo (blank space) day of November,
in the year of the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ fourteen eighty-seven.


Don Pedro por la gracia de Dios e de la santa iglesia
de Roma obispo de Badajos, del Consejo de nuestros señores el Rey e la Reyna,
collector, comysario e executor apostólico por vigor de las bullas de la
santa crusada concedidas por nuestro muy santo Padre Ynoçençio por la diuina
prouydençia papa octauo en fauor de nuestros señores el Rey e la Reyna para
adjutorio de la guerra que sus Altesas han fecho e fasen e esperan faser,
asy por mar como por tierra contra los moros del reyno de Granada,
nuestros enemigos e de la nuestra santa fee catholica, segund que es notorio
en estos regnos de Castilla e Aragón e çeçilia,
A todos los señores perlados e a todos los abades , priores, prepósytos ,
deanes, arçedianos, cantores, subcantores, maestrescuelas, custodios, asy de las
cathredales, como de las collegiales iglesias canónigos e de las perrochiales
iglesias rectores e a todos los arçiprestes, vicarios, clérigos, curas e capellanes
e beneficiados perpetuos curados e non curados, e asymismo a los religiosos de
qualesquier órdenes e otras qualesquier personas eclesyásticas de qualesquier
iglesias e religiosos, frayles e conventos de qualesquier órdenes e monasterios
e a los nobles señores corregidores, alcaldes e alguaçiles, justiçias, regidores,
caualleros, escuderos, ofiçiales e conçejos e omes buenos e a todas las otras
personas de qualquier estado o dignydad o preheminençia que sean, a quien atañe
o atañer pudiere lo del yuso contenido e a cada uno de vos, salud en nuestro
señor Jhesu Christo e a los nuestros mandamientos que más verdaderamente
son apostólicos firmemente obedesçer e cumplir.
Bien sabedes e a todos es notorio en cómo nuestro muy santo padre Ynoçençio octauo,
informado de los grandes gastos e grandes peligros e trabajos que se han seguydo
en prosecuçión de la dicha santa e justa guerra e cómo nuestros señores el Rey
e la Reyna por sus personas con los grandes de sus regnos e sus súbditos e
naturales con grand diligençia e grande gastos e trabajos han proseguido la dicha
guerra e las çibdades e villas e lugares que son ganados en el dicho regno de
Granada e salidas e quitadas de poder de los dichos infieles, [en] las cuales
son rehedificados tenplos en honrra de Dios nuestro señor e de nuestra sata fee
catholica, e asy mismo los christianos cabtiuos que ende son sacados e redemidos,
agora nueuamente en este presente año conçedió nueuamente bulla a manera de bulla
e breue bullado con su verdadera bulla de plomo, por la cual estendió e acresçentó
e mandó que duren todas las bullas e indulgenças e perrogatiuas (sic) e conçesyones
e jubileos e otras qualesquier graçias, asy por nuestro muy santo padre Sixto por
la diuinal prouidençia papa quarto de gloriosa memoria como por nuestro muy santo
padre Ynoçençio otorgadas e de nueuo confirmadas a la dicha santa crusada fasta
el día de sant Miguel de setienbre del año primero viniente del Señor de mill
e quatroçientos e ochenta e ocho años e como quier que en esta santa iglesia e çibdad
de Toledo haya seydo publicada e notificada, pero porque en algunas de las dichas
çibdades e villas e lugares de los dichos regnos non se a podido asy presentar e
publicar la dicha nueua e bulla última e de estensión e alargamiento por su Santidad
conçeso, porque a todos sea notorio la dicha estensión e alargamiento e confirmaçión
de nueuo fecha, de pedimento de los thesoreros de la dicha santa crusada, mandamos
dar e dimos esta nuestra carta en la dicha rasón , por la qual vos intimamos e
notificamos e a vuestra notiçia e de cada uno de vos trahemos la dicha estensión
e alargamiento e confirmaçión de la dicha bulla que dura fasta el dicho día de sant
Miguel de setienbre primero syguiente, segund dicho es.
E por la dicha abtoridad apostólica vos mandamos so las çensuras, penas
e sentençias e maldiçiones contenidas en las dichas bullas e so pena de dies mil
maravedís a cada uno de vos para la dicha santa crusada que en vuestras iglesias
e lugares publiquedes e notifiquedes la dicha estensyón e alargamiento e confirmaçión
e cada e quando por parte de los dichos thesoreros e pedricadores de la dicha santa
Crusada o por qualquier dellos o por quien su poder delos ouiere, fuéredes requeridos
o qualquier de vos fuere requerido, les dexedes e consintades libre e desenbargadamente
pedricar todas las dichas indulgencias, gracias e conçesyones e todo lo otro que
contienen las dichas bullas e asy mismo las dicha estensión e alargamiento nueuamente
asy fecho por la dicha nueua bulla por nuestro señor el papa Ynoçençio conçesa e otorgada,
como dicho es e quando quier que los tales predicadores ouieren de faser los sermones
de las dichas bullas e nueua estensyón e de lo otro tocante a la dicha santa crusada,
vos juntedes con vuestros feligreses e perrochianos a los dichos sermones e pedricaçiones
e asy mismo vos mandamos que el día que vos notificaren los dichos pedricadores e
thesoreros o qualquier dellos que la dicha bulla ha de entrar en qualsquier çibdades,
villas e lugares de los dichos regnos e señoríos o de qualquier dellos, los salgades
a resçebir con vuestros feligreses e perrochianos con la crus tañiendo las campanas,
los salgades a resçebir con aquella solepnidad e acatamiento e veneraçión
que tan santa crusada dada de nueuo otorgada en fauor de nuestra santa fee catholica
deue ser resçebida e como e en la manera que la primera e segunda ves fue resçebida
e mejor sy mejor pudierdes.
E otrosy vos mandamos so las dichas çensuras , penas e sentençias e so la dicha pena
de los dies mill maravedís para la dicha santa crusada que desde la ora que la dicha
santa indulgençia fuere resçebida en qualquier çibdad, villa o lugar donde entrare
fasta otro día que sea despedida en el canpo los guardeles e lo ayades por fiesta
de guardar de toda lauor e sy en algunas çibdades e villas e lugares oviere dos
iglesias o más, mandamos a vos los dichos arçiprestes, vicarios, clérigos, curas
e capellanes e vuestros lugares tenientes, que vos juntedes con los vuestros feligreses
e perrochianos a qualquier iglesia dellas donde fuere más conviniente e neçesario
para faser los dichos sermones, segund que fuere hordenado e mandado por los dichos
thesoreros o por los dichos pedricadores o por qualquier dellos o por la persona o
personas que su poder ovieren para ello, pues que todo ellos redunda a grand seruiçio
de Dios e de nuestra santa fee catholica e serviçio de nuestros señores el rey e la
Reyna e grand refrigerio e consolaçión e salud e remedio de las ánimas de los fieles
christianos e ninguno nin alguno de vos seades nin sean osados de faser cosa alguna
en contrario, en otra manera a los que asy non lo fisierdes e cunplierdes e contradictores
e rebeldes o inobedientes o turbantes fuerédes o fueren, cayades e incurrades e caygan
e incurran e seades e sean ligados, enbueltos e enlasados en las dichas çensuras,
penas e sentençias e maldiçiones contenidas en las dichas bullas, las quales en estos
escriptos ponemos e fulminamos en ellos e en vos e en ellos e en cada uno dellos,
segund que por las dichas bullas son puestas e fulminadas e más en la dicha pena
de los dichos dies mill maravedís para la dicha santa crusada.
E para executar la dicha pena damos poder a los dichos thesoreros
de la dicha santa crusada o a qualquier dellos o aquien su poder dellos o de qualquier
dellos oviere, para que vos las puedan demandar e executar, como dicho es e sy algunas
personas non quisieren cunplir nin obedesçer esta nuestra carta o fueren contumaces e
rebeldes, mandamos a vos los dichos arçiprestes e vicarios, curas e clérigos que los
denunciedes o fagades denunciar por públicos excomulgados, tañiendo canpanas e matando
candelas e demás mandamos a todos los dichos señores corregidores e justicias asy
eclesiásticas como seglares que seyendo requeridos con nuestra carta e mandamiento
prendades los cuerpos de las tales personas inpidientes e turbantes e de los otros
que lo suso dicho non fisieren nin odedesçieren nin cunplieren e les secrestedes
sus bienes muebles e rayses e a costa dellos los traygades e enbiades presos ante nos
a buen recabdo, porque por nos vista la calidad del delicto de cada uno, procedamos a
pugniçión e execuçión de las dichas bullas e cartas e mandamientos de nuestros señores
el Rey e la Reyna e en todo fagamos e procedamos segund mérito sea e deviéramos con
derecho, atento el thenor e forma de las dichas bullas e como su execuçión lo requiere,
apaercibiéndovos a vos los dichos señores corregidores e justiçias que asy non lo
fisierdes e cunplierdes, nos precederemos contra vuestras personas e bienes e mandaremos
cobrar de vos e dellos qualesquier dapnos e pérdidas e menoscabos que por vuestra causa
se siguieren e recresçieren a la dicha santa crusada e demás mandaremos guardar eclesiástico
entedicho con vuestras personas.
Dada e fecho en Toledo              días del mes de novienbre año del nasçimiento
de nuestro Salvador Jhesu Christo de mill e quatroçientos e ochenta e syete años.


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