
Tax Exemption for Books, Valladolid (1477)

Source: Archivo General de Simancas. AGS, RGS, XII-1477

Tax Exemption for Books, Valladolid (1477), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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            Chapter 1 Page 1 of 4 total

                                    So that no taxes are paid for the work they make
                                                      under an this law.
Theodorico Aleman,
book printer.
                                                                  25 December 1477
                                                                  RGS, 1477-XII-576
King Ferninand and Queen Isabella, etc. To ours “almojarifes”
[tax collectors] and to the landlords and public inspectors and
sheriffs (corregidores) and any others who gather and collect
revenues or rentals or our rent paid in any other way to the
tax collectors for the sales taxes of the very noble and very loyal
city of Seville, and others any rights of the ports of the City of
Cadiz and from the Villa of Sanlucar de Barrameda and any other
sea ports and from all others and any cities and villas and places
within our kingdoms and dominions, this present year on the
date of our letter and other forthcoming years and each and
every one of you to whom our letter is shown or transferred
and duly sealed by the notary public and grace. Please be advised
that Theodorico Aleman, printer of books, being in our
Kingdoms, at his request he provided us with a list saying
he is one of the main inventors and makers of printed books
and that every day he and his skilled workers have made and
make many and various printed books from every faculty and
they sustain many dangers at sea for bringing many and notable
books from all faculties to our kingdoms which have ennobled
many bookshops and provided reading to many of the learned
in our kingdoms. This very much honours them for their use
and that of nationals, to whom everything was understood as
being well treated in our kingdoms and that they would not be
asked for or levied to pay extortions and any new impositions,
and that the books they sold were free of any taxes, sales tax
and any others


                                    Para que no pague derechos algunos de la obra que hace
                                                            con una ley incorporada.
Thesodorio aleman
impresor de libros
                                                                  25 diciembre, 1477
                                                                  RGS, 1477-XII-576
Don Fernando y Dona Isabel, etc. A los nuestros almoxarifes y a los
arrendadores y fieles y corregidores y otras qualesquiera personas
que avedes de coger e recaudar en renta o en fielded recaudatoria
o en otra cualquier manera las nuestras rentas de nuestro
almoxarifazgo e de las nuestras alcabalas de la muy noble
y muy leal ciudad de Sevilla,y otros cualesquera derechos
de los puertos de la ciudad de Cadiz y de la villa de Sanlucar
de Barrameda e de otros cualesquiera puertos de la mar e de
todas las otras e cualesqueiera ciudades e villas y lugares de
los nuestros reinos y senorioes este presente ano de la fecha
de nuestra carta e los otros anos adelante venidores e de
cada uno o qcualer de vos a quien esta nuestra carta fuere
mostrada o su traslado signado de escribano public salud y
gracia. Sepades que Theodorico aleman impresor de libros
de molde, estante en estos nuestros Reynos, nos fizo relacion
por su peticion diseindo que ha seydo uno de los principales
ynventores y factores que han seydo desde arte de faser
libros de molde e que el e sus oficiales han fecho e fasen
de cada dia muchos e diversos libros de molde de todas
facltadades y el delibero de se disponer a muchos peligros
de la mar por traher a estos nuestros reynos como ha traydo
muchos e notables libros de todas facultades con que ha
ennoblecido muchas librerias e ha proveydo de leturas a muchos
letrados en nuestros reynos, lo cual todo redunda en honra
y utilidad dellos y de los naturals dellos, a lo qual todo el
se dispuso creyendo que seria bien tratado en estos nuestros
reynos e que no les serian pedidas ni levadas extorsiones e
nuevas imposiciones, y que los libros que vendiesen serian
libres de almorifazgo, y alcabala y otros derechos
como lo son e deben ser syempre


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK