2 translated pages
(No. 6.) DECREE of the 24th of January 1815, No. 12, with provisions to secure the right of property to those who wish to publish a translation of foreign works.
We WILLIAM I, by the grace of GOD, Prince of Orange-Nassau, Sovereign of the United Netherlands, etc., etc., etc.
Considering that the provisions laid down in art. 11b of the Decree, regarding the book trade, of 24 January 1814, No. 1 (see Bulletin of Acts, Orders and Decrees of the year 1814., No. 17), serving to prevent the translation of one and the same work, from ignorance, being undertaken, arranged, or published by two or more different booksellers or book printers, has proven, in practice, not to answer sufficiently to the objective in all cases, since the local newspapers are not read, or available, everywhere;
Having considered the request to this regard made of Us by several booksellers and book printers;
And given the recommendation from Our Secretary of State of the Interior of this 19th, No. 14;
Have approved and decreed to provide, by expansion of art. 11b. of Our Decree of 24th January 1814, No. 1, that anyone who intends to notify the public of a translation of a foreign work, in any language, and to reserve himself the ownership thereof,
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will be held to, besides the obligation to give due notice of his intention and the time at which the original work was presented by him to the Municipality of his residence, three times in the newspaper of his residence, or failing that, in the newspaper of the town closest by, also give such a notice three times, at his own expense, in the Netherlands Bulletin of Acts, Orders and Decrees.
And copies thereof shall be sent to Our Secretary of State of the Interior, and the First President of the High Court of Justice, each of them, in so far as it concerns them, shall be responsible for the implementation thereof; that will be entered into the Bulletin of Acts, Orders and Decrees of the Netherlands.
The Hague, the 24th of January 1815.
(signed) WILLIAM I.
In name of His Royal Highness,
(signed) A. R. FALCK.
Translation by: Miluska Kooij