LORDS of the States General of the Provinces united in the Low Countries, having consented and approved to Simon du Chesne to have a certain book Entitled QUADRATURE OF THE CIRCLE be Printed in those provinces by such Printer as seems good to him. With bans on anyone else to Print or have Printed, sell or distribute that book in the aforesaid Provinces, whether in Latin, French, high or low German, without the approval, leave or consent of the aforesaid du Chesne, etc. for the period of ten years, on pain of confiscation of the copies and a fine of fifty Reaulx d'or, to be employed for one third for the benefit of the informer, the other third for the benefit of the Officer, and the remaining third for the benefit of the common cause. Done in Delft, the 21st of February, 1584.
By Ordinance of the Lords of the
States General
M. d'Hennin.
Sold by Simon van der Eycke.
MESSIEURS les Estatz generaulx des Provinces unies des Pays bas, Ont consenti & accorde a Simon du Chesne de faire Imprimer esdictes provinces, certain livre Intitule QUADRATURE DU CERCLE, par tel Imprimeur que bon luy semblera. Avec deffences a touts aultres d'Imprimer our faire Imprimer vendre ou distribuer ledict livre es Provinces susdictes, soit en Latin, Francois, hault ou bas Allemand, sans le vouloir, conge ou consentement dudict du Chesne, & ce pour le terme de dix ans, a peine de confiscation des exemplaires & pardessus ce de cincquante Reaulx d'or, a employer le tiers au prouffit de l'annonciateur, l'aultre tiers au proffit de l'Officier, & le tiers restant au prouffit de la cause commune. Faict a Delff, le xxime. de Feburier, 1584.
Par Ordonnance de Messieurs les
Estatz generaulx
M. d'Hennin.
Men Vercooptse by Simon van der Eycke.