All those who happen to print any books, whether in this City or outside
of our State, shall be obliged to deposit the first copy of each lot of the books
they print, bound in leather, at our Library of St Mark's, and they may not start
to sell any such book unless they have a certificate from the Librarian of this
library, confirming that it has been duly deposited there.
And the execution of the present resolution is specially entrusted to the
Reformatori of the aforesaid University, that it may be fully and inviolably
Reformatori of the University of Padua.
1603. On 10th March. By order of the Most Illustrious
Signori Reformatori of the University of Padua, authorised to deal with
the matters described below by the Most Excellent
Every matriculated member of the Guild of
Printers and Booksellers, and any other person who
is not matriculated, such as Type-founders and
printing press workers, as well as everyone else, is
hereby enjoined that, on pain of imprisonment, being sent to row the galleys,
exile, loss of property, and disqualification from one's profession, at the
discretion of Their Excellencies, they must not leave to work in any other
place outside of this City, both within the State of Venice, and beyond its
borders, without a written licence from the Most Illustrious Signori, whereby
the latter must not fail to give to anyone belonging to this profession due
justice and protection. And under all the aforesaid penalties all of the
aforesaid matriculated members, and non-matriculated persons, as well as
anyone else, are enjoined not to venture to induce, either personally,
or by the agency of others, any of