
Statutes of the Venetian Guild of Printers and Booksellers, Venice (1549)

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Statutes of the Venetian Guild of Printers and Booksellers, Venice (1549), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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            Chapter 1 Page 2 of 11 total

all together in the Church of Sts John and Paul, a place
which is intended for our congregation alone, in the
Chapel of the Confraternity of the Rosary, and there to
have a mass of the Holy Spirit said by these Reverend
Fathers at the altar of the Virgin Mary, our patroness and
protectress, and at the Sacristy of these Reverend Fathers
alms are to be given on the day which is deemed suitable
by the current Presidents, and on that very day, again in
the Chapel of the Rosary, a Prior,* two Counsellors, and
six members of the Council are to be appointed, in the
manner that follows, and all the owners of printing presses
and workshops are each one of them to pay on that day one
lira and four soldos every year; and when this mass is said
there shall always be present the Prior, the Counsellors,
and the six Council members, together with the rest of
our association. And the Prior, Counsellors, and six
Council members who will then immediately be elected
are to remain in their offices during all of the coming month
of February.


                  That every year, on the feast-day of St
                  John the Evangelist, an election by ballot-
                  box will be held, whereby the whole corps
                  of our Guild of Printers and Booksellers will
elect one Prior, two Counsellors and six Council members
from amongst the most apt and competent for the needs and
administration of this Art, and that these must not be younger
than 30 years of age. Which officials are to be elected following
the rules given below, namely that the six Council members
are to assemble and always sit together with the aforesaid [???]



*) i.e. the head of a guild


varsi tutti nella Chiesa di S. Giovanni et Paolo,
luogo solito alle nostre congregationi, nella Capel=
la de Sto. Rosario, et ini far dire una messa del Spi=
rito Santo da quelli Reverendi Padri all'altar del=
la Vergine Maria nostra advocata, et protettrice,
et alla Sagrestia di detti Reverendi Padri si deb=
ba dare una elemosina in detto giorno conveni=
ente ad arbitrio delli presenti Presidenti, et in
quel medesimo giorno, et Capella del Rosario,
si habbia a fare un Priore, dui Consiglieri, et
sei di Zonta, nel modo che seguita, et ogni patro=
ne di Stampa et di bottega pagar debbia in det=
to giorno lire una e soldi quattro ogni anno per &
ciascuno, et al dir della detta messa siano sempre
presenti il Priore, Conseglieri, et sei di Zonta con
il resto del collegio nostro. Et il Prior, Conse=
glieri et sei di Zonta che de presenti saranno e=
letti habino a durar per tutto Febraro venturo.


                  Che ogni anno nella Festa di S. Giovan=
                  ni Evangelista siano eletti a bossoli
                  et ballotte di tutto il corpo del Colle=
                  gio dell'arte nostra de Stampatori et
Librari un Priore, dui Conseglieri et sei di Zonta
delli piu atti et sufficienti al bisogno et governio di
questa Arte, et che non siano di menor eta d'anni
XXX. Iquali elleggersi debbano con l'ordine in
fra[???], dovendo li sei di Zonta ridursi, et seder
sempre con il [???] [???] [???] predetti.



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