
SACEM's act of constitution, Paris (1851)

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SACEM's act of constitution, Paris (1851), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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            Chapter 1 Page 8 of 8 total

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      ART. 28 – Upon the Society's termination, the liquidation proceedings will be undertaken by the Syndicate
which is acting in this capacity at the time, with the assistance of the Agent-General.

Miscellaneous provisions.

      ART. 29 - All modifications to the present statutes must be proposed at general assemblies; they must be voted
on by the members who are then present or ratified by subsequent approval, such that they are supported by at least one
half plus of the registered members of the Society.

      ART. 30 – 1° Each infringement of the present act will render the infringer liable to an fine ranging from one
hundred up to three thousand francs, payable to the Society fund.
      2° This fine will be adjudicated by the Syndicate, which is invested with all necessary authority as arbitrator
and judge of the last instance.
      3° The collection of fines is to be dealt with by the diligence of the Agent-General, who may use all available legal
remedies, in particular that of keeping back the royalties he has collected on a member who refuses to pay his fine, notwithstanding all
assignments [transports] or contestations submitted after the present stipulations which will be accepted as [? - comme
transport anticipé
] .
      4° The signatories invest the Agent-General with the full power to keep back royalties in this way and to deposit the
amount in question with the Society's fund.
      5° The infringer can be excluded from the Society if such a resolution is adopted at a general assembly; in this
case, the provisions of Art. 26 §2 besides will be brought fully to bear.
      6° The following are to be excluded from the Society and shall cease entirely to form part of it:
            1° Society members who have been sentenced to punishments involving death, personal restraint, penal
      servitude and loss of civil rights, or even just to punishments involving the loss of civil rights [peines infamantes];
            2° Those who have been sentenced to imprisonment for their crimes, by the application of Art. 463
      of the Code pénal;
            3° Those who have been sentenced for the commission of acts specified in Art. 330, 334, 379, 405, 408.
      The Syndicate may always, following a specially adopted decision, authorize the Agent-General to collect and
hand over royalties due to persons who are affected by the present article.

      ART. 31 – In the case of a complete and enduring success for the activities of this Society, a relief fund will be
set up for the assistance of Society members who have fallen on hard times due to misfortune, old age or infirmity.

      ART. 32 (the last) – The members of the judicial council chosen by the Syndicate are as follows:
                  Maître CARABY, lawyer;
                  Maître A. DOUMERC, lawyer;
                  Maître G. AGUILLON, lawyer at the Council of State and the Court of Cassation;
                  Maître L. MASSE, solicitor;
                  Maître DELALOGE, attorney at the Tribunal of Commerce;
                  Maître REY, notary;
                  Maître PANNET, bailiff.

La Fère – Printing house BAYEN.


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