# Primary Sources on Copyright - Record Viewer
Luneau de Boisjermain's case, Paris (1770)

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France : Mss. Fr. 22073 n°10

Luneau de Boisjermain's case, Paris (1770), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org

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            Chapter 1 Page 2 of 7 total


of whom are booksellers; that at these residences, following
declarations made to them by each of the aforementioned
booksellers, they found and confiscated 16 packets of books,
which had been sent to them by M. Pierre-Joseph-François Luneau
de Boisjermain, author and publisher of various works, to be
delivered to regional or foreign booksellers; that in particular
they confiscated from M. Tilliard a letter addressed to him by M.
Luneau de Boisjermain on the 26th of the same month and year,
with two lists, one of which detailed the books which M. Luneau
de Boisjermain was offering him in the letter, to be traded for
other books enumerated in the second list, and that all these
confiscated items remained in the keeping and possession of M.
Tilliard, M. Despilly, M. Delalain, M. Durand and the widow Savoye,
each of whom was to act as a judicial depository, and was to
present the objects whenever the law required it of them. Another
statement of the same day, which notes that the aforementioned
Syndics and Assistants went with Commissioner Formel to the
residence of M. Luneau; that there, in the presence of the
Commissioner, and with the exception of M. Luneau’s personal
library, they confiscated all the hard-bound and soft-bound
books, printed sheets, blank paper, and generally all the
booksellers’ goods which were found at his residence, and which
are mentioned and detailed in the statement of the aforementioned
M. Formel, as well as in that of the confiscation; and that the
total findings, including the three account books which record
requests to M. Luneau for books, deliveries made by him in
response to these requests, and the amount still owed to
him for the supply of these goods, were left in the keeping of
M. Jean-Jacques Lefort, with the promise that he would present
them whenever he was required to do so. The petition presented
to us by the aforementioned Syndic and Assistants of the Guild
of Booksellers, the following 5th October, which concludes that
it should please us to permit them to summon M. Luneau de
Boisjermain before us at the audience of the Commission in our
chambers, to see declared good and valid the confiscation in
question, of 31st August last; consequently, that the confiscated
books, together with those found the same day at the residences
of M. Delalain,


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK