
Luneau de Boisjermain's case, Paris (1770)

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France : Mss. Fr. 22073 n°10

Luneau de Boisjermain's case, Paris (1770), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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            Chapter 1 Page 1 of 7 total


PASSED by M. DE SARTINE, Chevalier,
State Councillor, Lieutenant General of the
Police of the City, Provostship and Viscountcy
of Paris, Council Commissioner for this case.


and the Syndics and Assistants of the Guild
of Booksellers and Printers of Paris.

In which M. de Sartine orders the full reversal of the confiscation carried
out against M. Luneau de Boisjermain on 31st August 1768; prohibits the
Guild from carrying out similar confiscations in the future and from visiting
private homes for this purpose without his express permission; and for having
carried out the said confiscation, condemns the Guild to pay all costs,
including those incurred by the public posting of the sentence, and 300 livres
in damages, interests etc.

      This sentence is passed in view of the various statements given and signed
by the Syndic and Assistants of the Guild of Booksellers, in which it is noted
that following complaints from several of their colleagues, booksellers and
printers of this city, about the daily encroachments which are made upon their
business and their profession; and that in response to these complaints, as
their oath obliges them, on 31st August 1768 they made various visits in order
to search for books; that they went to the residences of M. Delalain, M. Durand,
M. Tilliard, M. Despilly and the widow Savoye, all five


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