3 translated pages
Chapter 1 Page 1 We the undersigned have agreed the following:
I, D'Anville, Esq., of the Academy of
Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres, relinquish
and transfer forever to Desaint, Saillant and
Durand, Booksellers in Paris, a manuscript of
my own creation entitled
"Notice de la Gaule",
which might form a quarto volume with map, on
the following conditions:
1. The aforementioned gentlemen shall undertake
to begin printing next March and to finish it within
the following year;
2. They shall pay me as royalties the sum of
1200 livres in four equal payments, the first on
1 August 1760, the second on 1 November 1760, the
third on 1 February 1761, the fourth on 1 May 1761;
3. They shall provide me with 50 complimentary copies,
Chapter 1 Page 2of which a dozen shall be bound and the remainder
provided as loose leaves, excluding the copy of
the bonnes feuilles.
4. They shall pay me for the paper, printing
and illumination of the map 6 sols per copy, and
for this price I shall provide them with 750 copies,
of which 700 for the copies that they intend to put
on sale, and 50 for the copies they undertake to
give me for free; and the price of these maps will
be paid to me in cash upon delivery, which shall be
made by me in August of next year, 1760;
5. They shall provide me with any additional
copies I might require at the price charged in the
6. I consent that the frontispiece of the work
shall be inscribed, to serve as a sequel to the
Memoranda of the Academy, and have obtained
Chapter 1 Page 3the consent of the Academy in this regard;
We, Desaint, Saillant and Durand,
accept the above conditions and promise to
abide by them.
Made in duplicate at Paris,
24 November 1759.
7. I undertake to correct two sets of
proofs, which must be returned to me;
I also undertake to draw up the contents
page, but I reserve the right to make corrections
and additions in subsequent editions, and should
any difficulty arise concerning the royalties
I might have the right to demand for such corrections
and augmentations, we shall have recourse to the
arbitration of mutual friends such as M. l'abbé
Barthélemy and M. Capperonnier.
Translation by: Andrew Counter