We the undersigned have agreed the following:
I, D'Anville, Esq., of the Academy of
Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres, relinquish
and transfer forever to Desaint, Saillant and
Durand, Booksellers in Paris, a manuscript of
my own creation entitled
"Notice de la Gaule",
which might form a quarto volume with map, on
the following conditions:
1. The aforementioned gentlemen shall undertake
to begin printing next March and to finish it within
the following year;
2. They shall pay me as royalties the sum of
1200 livres in four equal payments, the first on
1 August 1760, the second on 1 November 1760, the
third on 1 February 1761, the fourth on 1 May 1761;
3. They shall provide me with 50 complimentary copies,