2 translated pages
Chapter 1 Page 1[Royal printing patent for
music, granted by Henri II
to Messrs Adrien Le Roy
and Robert Ballard.]
Henry by the Grace of God King of France, to our dear and loyal subjects, the people who
maintain our Court of Parlement, the Provost of Paris, the
general councillors, in matters of justice, of our assistants
in Paris and appointed at the said place, and to all our other
authorities and officials or sub-lieutenants, and to every one
of them as will be his due, Greetings and affection. We would
have you know that, taking into consideration the good and
agreeable services which have been rendered to us so far by
our dear and much beloved Adrian Le Roy and Robert
Ballard, music printers residing in Paris, that in consideration
of the latter and their contributions in taxes [
cens], their
competence, probity and good experience, we have appointed
and do appoint them by these presents to the rank and position of
Royal printers for the printing of all kinds of music, both vocal
and instrumental, so that henceforth they may serve us with
the accustomed honours, powers, prerogatives, franchises,
exemptions, privileges, profits, revenues and emoluments such
as were normally enjoyed by those whom we had hitherto
appointed to the said position and, in addition, we have
permitted them and do permit them always, and in the future,
to print all kinds of music, both vocal and instrumental, by
any Author or authors whomsoever, notwithstanding all other
Letters contrary to these presents which may have been
obtained [by petitioners in the past] and the obtention of which
Chapter 1 Page 2we have, by our express will, abolished and do abolish by these
presents as far as things which have not been printed, and
whose term has expired, are concerned. Thus we order, command
and explicitly enjoin you that you should cause, suffer and
allow these supplicants to enjoy and fully and peacefully
make use of all that is contained in these presents, by stopping
and causing to cease all impediments to the contrary. For
such is our pleasure. Given at Paris, the sixteenth day of
February, the year of our Lord one fifteen hundred and fifty.
By the King: the
Sieur d’Avanson, Master of Requests of
the present palace.
Signed: de Laubespine
Translation by: Luis Sundkvist