EDICT REGARDINGanything bad in them, this should be corrected, &
rejected, and so that only that is passed on and
administered to our people which is of good and
sound doctrine and learning.
For these reasons, after having received, in
this matter, the advice and consultation of the members
of our Privy Council, we have said, ordered, prohibited &
forbidden, and we do now say, order, prohibit & forbid,
that from now on no Booksellers or Printers, on pain
of confiscation of their goods and chattels, are to print,
or cause to have printed, nor sell or publish, or cause to have
sold & published any books that deal with the Holy
Scriptures, & in particular those which are brought
from Geneva, Germany, and other strange places,
unless they have been seen, inspected, & examined
beforehand by the Faculty of Theology of Paris.
And, likewise, the said Booksellers &
printers are not to sell or put out for sale any
books of the said Holy Scriptures with commentaries
scholia, unless the name and surname of the
person who has made these [commentaries] is indicated
& printed at the beginning of the book, & also that
of the Printer, together with the sign of his place
of residence. Also, such Printing is not to be carried
out in secret and hidden places, but rather in their offices
and public workshops, so that each one of them can
answer for what he has done. Furthermore, that no
persons, of whatever rank and position they may happen
to be, may have in their possession
any books that are mentioned in the
Catalogue des