
La Fleur de la science de pourtraicture, Paris (1530)

Source: Bibliotheque nationale de France, Arsenal (4 Sc.A 4544 Réserve) Kupferstichkabinett, Dresden

La Fleur de la science de pourtraicture, Paris (1530), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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The flower of the science of portraiture, and embroidery patterns in the Arabic and Italian manner


Here follows the privilege.


François, by the grace of God, King of France. To the provost and bailiff of Paris, or his lieutenants, and to all our other justices, devoted Salutation.  We have received a humble plea from our dear and well-loved Francesco Pellegrino of Florence, relating that he has always adorned, published and prospered the art and science of portraiture. And with great pain and labour has invented and composed a book of foliage, knotwork and Moresque and Damascene designs that he wants freely to have printed and publish if it is our pleasure so to permit and grant.  And also, if we have regard that he is the first inventor, that we also prohibit and defend all other publishers and booksellers in our kingdom to print or have printed the said book on pain of confiscation and a fine. Taking this into account and wanting and desiring that the entire compass of the polite arts are exercised in our kingdom, Know that by these present we grant Pellegrino permission to enable him have printed by printers of his choice the said book during the period and time of six consecutive years from the date of publication, without making it legal or permissible during this time for any other publishers in our kingdom to print the book, or have it printed, on pain of a fine and of confiscation of all copies of the said book found to have been printed by them. So, given that owing to our gift, grant and permission, this privilege belongs to him, we summon each and everyone of you to suffer and allow the said Pellegrino to enjoy and use it, fully and in peace, during the prescribed time and without interruption or hindrance.  For this is our pleasure. Given at Bordeaux on the 17th June, in the year of Our Lord 1530, and in the sixteenth year of our reign.   


By the king for your information.  Barrillon.


The present book was printed in Paris by Jacques Nyvert, 4th day of August in the year of Our Lord, 1530.  For the noble man, Mr Francisco Pellegrino, of Florence.





La fleur de la science de pourtraicture, Et patrons de broderie, facon arabicque et ytalique. Cum privilegio regis.


Censuyt le privilege


Françoys par la grace de dieu roy de France. Aux prevost et bailly de Paris, ou ses lyeutenans et a tous nos autres iusticiers salut et dilection. Receue avons lhumble supplication de notre cher et bien ame Francisque Pelegrin de Florence contenant que pour toujiours decorer, publier, et acoustre L’art et science de pourtraicture. Et avec grand peine et labeur fait invente et compose ung livre de fueillages, entrelatz et ouvraiges moresques et Damasquins leq(ue)l il defireroit Voule(n)tiers faire imprimer et mettre en lumiere et evide(n)ce Si cestoit nostre Plaisir le luy permettre et octroyer. Et aussi aya(n)t par nous regard quil est premier inventeur. Intendire et Deffendre a to(us) autres libraires de notre royaulme de non imprimer ny faire imprimer led livre sur peine de co(n)fiscation et amende. Scavoir faisons q(ue) no(ous) ce co(n)sidere Voulans et desirans la co(m)prehencion de tous arts licites et honestes estre excerce en notre d. royaulme. Avo(n)s donne, octroye et permis, Donons, octroyo(n)s et permettons par ces p(re)sentes au d. pelerin; quil puisse faire imprimer par telz Libraires que bon luy semblera dedict livre Durant le temps et terme de Six ans prochains et consecutifz de la Dacte (de l’) impression dudict livre Sa(n)s ce quil soit loysible ne permis a nulz autres libraires de nostre dict royaulme imprimer ny faire imprimer icelluy livre Dura(n)t led te(m)ps Sur peine de lame(n)de et confiscation desditz livres qui se trouverroyent avoir este par eulx imprimez. Si vous mandons et a ch(acun) de vous sicomme a luy appartie(n)dra Que de nos presens Don, octroy, et permission Vous faictes souffrez et laissez ledict pelegrin iouyr et user plainement et paisiblement Durant lesdict temps sans aucun arrest ou empescheme(n)t a ce contraire. Car tel est notre plaisir. Do(n)n a Bordeaulx le xvii. iour de Juing. Lan de grace mil cinq cens tre(n)te. Et de nostre regne le seiziesme.


Par le Roy a vostre relation. Barrillon.


Le present livre a ester Imprime a paris par Jacques Nyverd. le iv. iour Daoust. lan de grace mil cinq ce(nt)s vvv. Pour noble ho(m)me messier francisque pelegrin. De florence.


On les vend à Paris dans la grant rue Saint Anthoyne devant les tournelles au Logis de Monseigneur le comte de Carpes.  Par Mesire Francisque Pellegrin de Florence. 





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