the Emperor actually endorses it through
privileges. Schmieder in Karlsruhe is in
possession of an Imperial privilege which
entitles him to reprint whatever he wants!
The only thing is that he paid for his
privilege, whereas in my view it is in
fact irrelevant whether one reprints with
or without a privilege - because the
substance of the action remains the same.
One could most readily do without
'Nettobuchhändler' - but this is by no means
the case with the 'Sortimentsbuchhändler'. I
would therefore recommend to the former that
they either limit themselves to operate solely
as book printers in the narrowest sense of
the word - because they will then have a
sphere of action in which they can be of use
to others - or that they also adopt the
barter system when dealing in books, since
this is the only way in which the book
trade can be saved, and, if they go about it
in a reasonable and fair way, it is also
the only way that all reprinters can be
eliminated to the last one!
* Lat. 'I have spoken!', i.e. 'I have said
what I had to say'.