
Imperial privilege for Eucharius Rösslin, Strasbourg (1513)

Source: UB Tübingen Jg 13.4.

Imperial privilege for Eucharius Rösslin, Strasbourg (1513), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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            Chapter 1 Page 1 of 3 total


We, Maximilian by the Grace of God
elected Roman Emperor, at all times Augmenter
of the Empire in Germany, Hungary, Dalmatia,
Croatia etc., King and Archduke of Austria,
Duke of Burgundy, Brabant, and Count Palatine etc.
acknowledge that Our and the Empire's honourable,
beloved and loyal subject Eucharius Rößlin, Doctor
of Pharmacy, has written several treatises and
books which further the common good and, in particular,
the welfare of pregnant women and their newborn children,
and that he is willing to print and publish them.
Since for this reason We have accorded him a special favour
and granted him Our privilege, We wish to do so
publicly and on the strength of this letter: namely that no one
- in whatever rank, estate, or condition he may happen to be -
may reprint these books during the next six years from
the date of this Our Imperial letter; and that he may neither
offer for sale, sell, nor distribute in the Holy [Roman] Empire
any copies of them printed in foreign lands outside of the Holy
Empire, be they German-speaking or otherwise. We thus
earnestly bid, through this letter, and desire
all and sundry Electors, princes, spiritual and worldly prelates,
counts, barons, lords, knights, knaves,
captains, reeves, bailiffs, stewards,
administrators, officials, village and town mayors,
judges, councillors, townsmen, municipalities, and
any other of Our and the Empire's loyal subjects and followers
- to whatever rank, estate or condition they may belong -
to defend, protect, and secure the aforesaid Doctor Eucharius
in this privilege which We have given him; and to, therefore,
not allow the printing, offering, or selling of these books.


Wir Maximilian von gottes
gnaden Erwölter Römischer keiser / zu allen zeyten me
rer des reichs in Germanien zu Hungern / Dalmacie /
Croatien etc. künig Ertzhertzog zu Osterych / Hertzog zu
Burgunde / zu Braband vnd Pfaltzgraff etc. Bekennent
Als der Ersam vnser vn des Reichs / lieber getrewer Eu
charius Rößlin doctor d. Ertzney / Etlich tractat vn pü
cher / dem gemeine nutz / Vn sunderlich den schwangern
frawen vnd iren Neugeboren kinden / zu fürdrung vnd
guttem gemacht / vnd truckken vnd vßgön zu lassen wil=
lens ist. Das wir im demnach / dise besunder gnad vn fry
heit gethon vnd gegeben haben / thun vnd geben ime die
auch hie mit wissentlich / in krafft diß brieffs / Also dz nie
mands In was würde / stands oder wesens der sey / die sel
ben pücher In sechs iaren den nechste / nach datu diß vn
sers keyserliche brieffs volgend / die nit nachtrucken / Vn
ob die vsserhalb des heiligen Reichs vnd in frmbde Na
tionen / teutschen vn andren gezungen / gedruckt wur=
dent / Die selben in dem heiligen reich nit feyl haben / ver
kauffen oder vertreiben solle / Vnd gebieten daruff allen
vnd yeglichen Churfürsten / Fürsten / geistliche und welt=
lichen Prelaten / Grauen / Fryen / Herren / Rittern / Kne
chten / Hauptleuten / Vitztumben / Vögten / Pflegern
verwesern / Amptleuten. Schultheissen / burgermeistern
Richtern / Räten / burgern /gemeinde / Ynd sunst allen
andren / Vnsern vnd des Reichs vnderthane vnd getre
wen / in was würde / stats oder wesens die seyen / ernstlich
mit disem brieff / Vn wöllend das sie den genante doctor
Eucharius / beysolcher vnser fryheit / handthaben / schu
tzen vnd schirmend / Vn die berürte pücher / dar vber nit
trucken / feyl haben od verkauffen lassen / Sollichs auch


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK