
Privilege of the Bishop of Strasbourg, Strasbourg (1511)

Source: Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg O 9893

Privilege of the Bishop of Strasbourg, Strasbourg (1511), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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            Chapter 1 Page 2 of 3 total

No Translation available.

[Privilege text on page 2]

Vuilhelmus dei gratia episcopus argentinense.
vniuerso clero nobis subiecto salutem.
            Rogati nup[er] vt nouos horax libros in diocesi nostra
distrahi pateremus: no mox annuendi duximus: nisi
prius vel castigati vel salte index errator (vnde quisp
ses mendas dispungat) adiunctos esset. Dolemus em
ex corde: si libri presertim diuinor officio[rum] medosi p
nostrii episcopatu disseminant. Hortamur que omnes & sin
gulos nostre diocesis impressores: vt amodo in cunctis
diuinar[um] rer[um] libris diligente lima adhibeat: ne maiore
caduci q nestus que imortaliu animar[um] & ppris fame ra
tione habere videant. Nec minori affectu exhortamur
o[mn]es nobis subiectos sacerdotes: vt ad dei honore[m] totius
que ecclesie & populi (de cuius labore viu[n]t fundatoru[mque]
& sua[rum] animaru[m] salute[m]: horas canonicas aptis locis &
temporibus vel sensim & integre legant: vel in templis
concinne ac distincte (abs colloquio aut risu intermix
to) precedentiu[m] versuum finem expectantes cu[m] pausis
in medio psallendo persoluant: Memores terribilium
sanctissimi prophete verborum: Maledictus qui facit
opus dei fraudulenter: vel sckm aliam littera negli
gebter. Ceteru[m] operam & impensam impressoris ho[rarum]
libroru[m] (quibus clerici nostri saltem in itinere vti pote-
runt) estimantes: hanc ei prerogatiua[m] concessimus: ne
quisQ[quis] alios horaru[m] nostre diocesis libros intra proxi-
mi triennii (ab harum data) spatiu[m] sub ecclesiasticis cen-
suris imprimere presumat. Date in oppido nostro Z.a
bernien. kal. Man. Anno nostre salutis millesimo quin
gentesimo vndecimo


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK