
Occupation writer

Back | 107 persons with occupation writer referred in 292 documents or commentaries.

17 Addison, Joseph
4 Arnold, Matthew
2 Atterbury, Francis
1 Ayguals de Izco, Wenceslao
1 Bacon, Sir Nathaniel
1 Badía y Andreu, Joaquín
1 Balaguer, Víctor
1 Baldi, Bernardino
4 Beecher, Henry Ward
2 Birrell, Augustine
1 Blanco White, José María
5 Bolingbroke, Henry St John, 1st Viscount
1 Bonald, Louis Gabriel Ambroise, Vicomte de
1 Borges, Jorge Luis
2 Bowring, Sir John
1 Boyle, Roger, 1st Earl of Orrery
1 Brontë, Charlotte
1 Brooke, Henry
7 Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton
1 Buchanan, David
1 Burnet, Gilbert
1 Castiglione, Baldassare, Count
1 Cervantes Saavedra,, Miguel de
1 Channing, William Henry
4 Chetwood, William
1 Courtney, John
6 D'Israeli, Isaac
1 Da Vinci, Leonardo
1 Darimon, Alfred
1 De Bomare, Valmont
1 De Boufflers, Stanislas Jean chevalier
1 De Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel
1 De Lamennais, Félicité Robert
1 De Quevedo, Francisco
2 Dicey, Edward
14 Dickens, Charles
1 Digby, Kenelm Henry
3 Dixon, William Hepworth
1 Dodsley, Robert
1 Dolby, Thomas
1 Downing, Andrew Jackson
1 Dumas, Alexandre, fils
2 Farrar, Rev. Frederic William
2 Fielding, Henry
4 Fénelon, François de Salignac de la Mothe
1 Germond de Lavigne, Léopold Alfred Gabriel
1 Gibbon, Charles
1 Güemes y Willame, José
1 Haliburton, Thomas Chandler
2 Hall, Samuel Carter
2 Haweis, Hugh Reginald
1 Herbert, Henry John George, 3rd Earl of Carnarvon
1 Hill, Aaron
8 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Sr.
3 Hook, Theodore
2 Howell, James
3 Howitt, William
6 Hugo, Victor
1 Hurd, Richard
1 Ingersoll, Ernest
1 Irving, Theodore
2 Jerrold, Douglas William
1 Joyce, Jeremiah
3 Kingsley, Charles
2 La Bruyère, Jean de
2 Lamb, George
1 Lamennais, Félicité Robert de
1 Larra , Mariano José de
1 Lermina, Jules
2 Lodge, Sir Edmund
3 MacLaurin, John
6 Machiavelli, Niccolo
1 Malory, Sir Thomas
1 Marston, Edward
5 Martineau, Harriet
1 Mitchell, Silas Weir
4 Nichols, John
1 Nisard, Charles
1 Nugent, Thomas
1 Opie, Amelia
2 Paine, Thomas
1 Pastor Díaz, Nicomedes
1 Pelletan, Pierre Clément Eugène
2 Pierrepoint, Lady Mary
1 Pike, Albert
2 Poole, John
1 Porter, Jane
1 Raynal, Guillaume Thomas François
3 Reeve, Henry
1 Scaliger, Josephus Justus
1 Sedgwick, Arthur George
2 Shee, Sir Martin Archer
1 Somoza y Llanos, José
5 Stair, John Dalrymple, 5th Earl
15 Swift, Jonathan
45 Talfourd, Thomas Noon
1 Thacher, James
1 Thomas, Moy
1 Thompson, William Tappan
1 Trapp, Dr. Joseph
7 Trollope, Anthony
1 Tusser, Thomas
2 Walton, Izaac
1 Wilberforce, Robert Isaac
4 Willis, Nathaniel Parker
5 Young, Edward
1 del Perojo y Figueras, José

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