language and printed published, sold and exposed to sale
and caused to be translated and copied as aforesaid
and printed, published, sold and exposed to sale this
Deponent's said Book in the said daily Newspaper
and in pamphlet form as aforesaid, this Deponent
has been greatly injured in respect of her sole and
exclusive right aforesaid and will be, as she fears,
greatly injured and damnified in respect of and
deprived of the receipt of large profits which she
reasonably expects to receive from the sale of said
lastmentioned edition of said Book.
H. B. StoweUnited States of America
District of Masachusetts
Subscribed & sworn to before me this third
day of March A.D. 1853 at the
city of Boston.
Geo. S. Hillard Commissioner of the Circuit
Court of the United States