
Lauritz Benedicht's Printing Monopoly, Copenhagen (1565)

Source: Danske Kancelli: Registre over alle Lande nr. 5-10 (1546-1571) B19D: 8 1561 – 1566. The Danish National Archives.

Lauritz Benedicht's Printing Monopoly, Copenhagen (1565), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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            Chapter 1 Page 3 of 4 total

in Lauritz Benedicht's printing house. If any person publishes books to be printed, he shall send them in good time to the aforesaid Lauritz Benedicht, so that he shall not be delayed in supplying himself with paper and other materials which he may need. And when the aforementioned Lauritz Benedicht prints his words, he must do so with absolute diligence and skill, so that the texts are faultless. And whatever books he publishes and keeps in stock, he shall sell and dispose of them at a reasonable price, according to the circumstances of the time, so that no one can complain against him that his goods are too expensive, either in wages or in purchase. And if any complaint is made against him that he uses improper words in relation to any of the aforesaid articles, and it can be reasonably proved, he shall be warned a first and a second time, and if he does not correct his conduct accordingly, he shall


Lauritzs Benedicht till kiøbs fangelig ere. Ther som och nogenn bøgger wdgaaer, som skall prendtiss, skulle the wdj rette thidh forne Lauritz Benedicht tilskickis, paa thett hand icke ther mett skall offuerilis, men wdi thide kand rede seg paa suenne, papir och andett, hues handh skall paaholde. Och hues høgger forne Lauritz Benedicht i saa maade prentendis worder, skall hand mett ald fliidh och skickelighed ferdige giøre, saa the findis wstraffeligh. Och saa mange bøger hand sielluff bekoster och fall holder, skall hand sielge och affhende till thennom, same høgger behoff haffuer och kiøbe wille, for ett skielligt werdh ejfter tidens leiglighedh, saa att mand icke met rete kand klage offuer hanom, att hand er fordyr enthen mett arbeidhsløn eller kiøbet. Kommer ther och clage offuer hanom, att hand emod nogen forne Article moduillig giørendis worder, och thett hanom skielligen offuer beuises kandh, skall hand paamindis første och anden gangh, och ther som hand tha icke retter seg sielluff, skall hand haffue



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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK