
Núñez de Arce’s Will , Madrid (1895)

Source: Archivo Histórico de Protocolos de Madrid, T. 37814, f. 1332r-1335v

Núñez de Arce’s Will , Madrid (1895), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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            Chapter 1 Page 2 of 7 total

And Don Cristóbal Hernández y Berrocal,
of legal age, married, a tradesman, and
a resident of Madrid, whose address is at
number 44, Mayor Street,
They appear as qualified witnesses
and ensure me that
the exceptions instructed to them
of Article six hundred and eighty
of the Civil Code, do not apply
Appearing at the Notary's Office is:_________
His Excellency Mr. Gaspar Núñez
de Arce, who states he is from
Valladolid, in the province of the same name;
that he is aged sixty two years old, the son of Ma-
nuel and Eladia, both deceased.
He is married to Her Excellency Mrs.
Isidora Franco y Jimeno, and is a former Minister
and resident of this Court, whose address is at
the house at number four, Cruzada street.
He is registered as a resident
with card number six thousand two hundred
and three of the third of September of
last year, ________
Given the circumstances expressed and


Y Don Cristóbal Hernández y Berrocal,
mayor de edad, casado, del comercio, ve-
cino de Madrid, con domicilio en la casa
numéro cuarenta y cuatro de la calle Mayor,
que concurren como testigos idóneos,
que aseguran no comprenderles las
excepciones del artículo seiscientos oche-
nta del Código Civil,
del que fueron instruidos____________
Comparece en la Notaría:____________
El Excmo. Señor Don Gaspar Núñez
de Arce, que expresa ser natural de
Valladolid, provincia del mismo nombre de edad
de sesenta y dos años, hijo de Don Ma-
nuel y Dona Eladia, ya difuntos,
casado con la Excma. Señora Doña
Isidora Franco y Jimeno, ex Ministro
vecino de esta Corte, con domicilio
en la casa número cuatro de la calle
de la Cruzada, empadronado con cé-
dula personal número seisl mil
doscientos tres de fecha de tres de Septiem-
bre del ano próximo pasado, ________
Por las circunstancias expresadas y


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK