
Commentaries with referred place:

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commentary_d_1549 1724 * : Electoral Saxon Printing and Censorship Acts from 1549 to 1717
commentary_d_1765 1765 * : Philipp Erasmus Reich and the Leipzig publishers' cartel
commentary_d_1773 1773 * : Saxonian Statute
commentary_d_1781 1785 * : Austrian Statutes on Censorship and Printing
commentary_d_1809 1809 * : Baden Civil Code
commentary_d_1827a 1827 * : Treaties on reciprocal protection between Prussia and various German States
commentary_d_1837b 1837 * : Directive for reciprocal copyright protection within the German Confederation
commentary_d_1844 1844 * : Saxon Copyright Act
commentary_d_1846 1846 * : Bilateral Treaty between Prussia and Great Britain
commentary_uk_1838 1838 * : International Copyright Act
commentary_uk_1844 1844 * : International Copyright Act