
Occupation jurist

Back | 139 persons with occupation jurist referred in 362 documents or commentaries.

2 Amos, Sheldon
1 Anson, Sir William Reynell
1 Austin, John
1 Azuni, Domenico Alberto
5 Barbeyrac, Jean
3 Bentham, Jeremy
1 Bercovitz Rodríguez-Cano, Rodrigo
4 Beseler, Karl Georg Christoph
10 Blanc, Etienne
7 Bluntschli, Johann Kaspar
4 Bracton, Henry de
1 Brauer, Johann Niklas Friedrich
12 Brougham, Henry Peter, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux
1 Bruns, Carl Georg
3 Bryce, James, 1st Viscount
4 Bynkershoek, Cornelis van
13 Camden, Charles Pratt, 1st Earl
1 Chambers, Sir Robert
6 Christian, Edward
1 Clunet, Édouard
6 Couhin, Claude Raoul
3 Craig, Sir Thomas
1 Cujas, Jacques
1 Dalloz, Armand
3 Dalloz, Désiré
4 Dambach, Otto
2 Daniell, Edmund Robert
1 Danz, Wilhelm August
1 Dareste, Pierre
1 Darjes, Joachim Georg
2 Day, William Rufus
1 De Goezmann, Louis Valentin
1 De La Brède et De Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron
2 De Laboulaye, Édouard René
1 De la Brède et de Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron
1 Deady, Matthew Paul
1 Desprez
2 Dicey, Albert Venn
1 Dollmann, Karl Friedrich
1 Dreyer, Johann Carl Heinrich
1 Duesberg, Franz Gerhard Xaver von
1 Dumoulin, Charles
2 Dundas, Henry, 1st Viscount Melville
1 Duvergier, Jean-Baptiste
2 Eisenlohr, Ludwig Wilhelm Anton
1 Endemann, Wilhelm
7 Erskine, Thomas, 1st Baron
1 Escriche, Joaquín
3 Evans, Sir William David
1 Fortescue, Sir John
3 Foucher, Victor
1 Ganz, Johann Friedrich Ferdinand
5 Gareis, Carl
3 Gastambide, Adrien-Joseph
1 Gengler, Heinrich-Gottfried Philipp
1 Gerber, Karl Friedrich Wilhelm von
1 Goddard, John Leybourn
1 Godefroy, Denis
16 Godson, Richard
1 Goezmann, Louis Valentin de
1 Grolmann, Karl Ludwig Wilhelm von
14 Grotius, Hugo
2 Guyot, Pierre Jean Jacques Guillaume
9 Hale, Sir Matthew
1 Harum, Johann Christian von
1 Heffter, August Wilhelm
3 Heydemann, Ludwig Eduard
1 Hinschius, Franz
1 Holtzendorff, Franz von
1 Huicke, Thomas
5 Jolly, Julius
1 Jourdan, Athanase
1 Jousse, Daniel
3 Kamptz, Karl Albert von
1 Kavelin, Konstantin Dmitrievich
1 Klein, Ernst Ferdinand
2 Klostermann, Rudolf
1 Klüber, Johann Ludwig
5 Kramer, Wilhelm August
2 Laboulaye, Édouard René de
1 Lambard, William
1 Lerminier, Eugène
1 Limnaeus, Johannes
1 Lünig, Johann Christian
2 Maine, Sir Henry James Sumner
1 Malapert, Frédéric
3 Mandry, Johann Gustav Karl von
1 Maurenbrecher, Romeo
2 Meinert, Franz Wilhelm
1 Menius, Christian August
1 Mittermaier, Karl Joseph Anton von
4 Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron de la Brède et de
3 Morillot, André
1 Neidhardt, Karl von
8 Neustetel, Leopold Josef
5 Pardessus, Jean-Marie
2 Pataille, Jules-Henri-Paul
4 Paulus, Julius
3 Pollock, Sir Frederick
2 Puchta, Georg Friedrich
2 Püttlingen, Johann Vesque von
1 Quistorp, Johann Christian von
1 Rebuffé, Pierre
2 Renault, Louis
25 Renouard, Augustin-Charles
1 Roenne, Ludwig Peter Moritz von
1 Romanus, Paul Franz
1 Savigny, Friedrich Carl von
1 Schlettwein, Johann August
3 Scott, Sir William, 1st Baron Stowell
1 Seiblin, Karl
2 Selden, John
2 Snell, Edmund Henry Turner
1 Sonnenfels, Joseph von
5 Stair, James Dalrymple, 1st Viscount
3 Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames
2 Svarez, Carl Gottlieb
3 Thibaut, Anton Friedrich Justus
1 Thöl, Johann Heinrich
1 Tittmann, Karl August
1 Turner, Thomas
1 Vinnius, Arnoldus
1 Volkmann, Johann Jacob
4 Von Gerber, Karl Friedrich Wilhelm
1 Von Grolmann, Karl Ludwig Wilhelm
1 Von Harum, Johann Christian
1 Von Kamptz, Karl Albert
3 Von Mandry, Johann Gustav Karl
1 Von Mittermaier, Karl Joseph Anton
1 Von Savigny, Friedrich Carl
3 Von Sonnenfels, Joseph
3 Von Wächter, Oscar
1 Walter, Ferdinand
2 Werner, Johann Balthasar
1 Windscheid, Bernhard
1 Winter, Sir James Spearman
1 Wolowski, Louis
2 Wächter, Oscar von
1 Zimmern, Sigmund

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