
Occupation author

Back | 246 persons with occupation author referred in 566 documents or commentaries.

1 Abbott, Lyman
1 Abbt, Thomas
1 Adams, Charles Francis, Jr.
1 Allen, Paul
1 Bacon, Leonard Woolsey
1 Badeau, Gen. Adam
3 Badius, Josse
1 Baetzmann, Samuel Fredrik
1 Baird, Robert
2 Baring-Gould, Sabine
2 Barnard, Charles
1 Barthélemy, Jean Jacques
1 Barthélemy, Jean-Jacques
1 Basnage, Henri
2 Becker, Rudolph Zacharias
1 Beckford, Peter
1 Belcher, Lady Diana, née Jolliffe
1 Bellamy, George Ann
1 Beuvelet, Matthieu
1 Blackwood, Helen Selina, née Sheridan
7 Blondel, Pierre-Jacques
7 Bluntschli, Johann Kaspar
4 Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas
1 Bonaparte, Lucien, 1st Prince of Canino
1 Booker, John
1 Bouchel, Laurent
1 Boulanger, Nicolas-Antoine
3 Bowen, Charles Synge Christopher
1 Brant, Sebastian
1 Briggs, Charles Frederick
2 Bristed, Charles Astor
1 Brockes, Barthold Heinrich
2 Buckingham, James Silk
3 Bulwer, Henry Lytton
8 Bunyan, John
2 Burke, John
1 Byles, Sir John Barnard
1 Cardon, Le Abbé
1 Cardon, the Abbé
2 Caruthers, William Alexander
1 Caunter, Rev. John Hobart
6 Celtis, Conrad
1 Ceruti, Federico
1 Channing, William Ellery
4 Chateaubriand, François René, Vicomte de
2 Cheever, George Barrell
6 Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of
2 Child, Lydia Maria
1 Chorley, Henry Fothergill
1 Choules, Rev. John Overton
28 Cicero, Marcus Tullius
1 Clarke, James Freeman
1 Colombat, Jacques
2 Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, Marquis de
1 Constant de Rebecque, Henri Benjamin
1 Conway, Hugh
1 Cooke, George Willis
1 Coppinger, Anna Maria de Burgh
1 Couret de Villeneuve, Louis-Pierre
1 Courier, Paul Louis
1 D'Argenson, René-Louis de Voyer de Paulmy, Marquis
1 Dahn, Felix
4 Dambach, Otto
1 De Billon, François
1 De Boisjermain, Pierre-Joseph-Francois Luneau
1 De Chateaubriand, François René, Vicomte
9 De Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, Marquis
3 De Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier
3 De La Fontaine, Jean
1 De La Rochefoucauld, François, 6th Duc
1 De Salvandy, Narcisse-Achille
1 De Serres, Olivier
1 De Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet
9 De Voltaire, François Marie Arouet
1 De la Platière, Marie-Jeanne Roland
8 Defoe, Daniel
1 Dewey, Orville
17 Diderot, Denis
1 Dolce, Lodovico
1 Du Buisson, Paul-Ulrich
1 Dubois, Jean-Antoine
1 Dyck, Johann Gottfried, Jr.
2 Eck, Johannes
1 Eckermann, Johann Peter
1 Edwards, Bryan
1 Edwards, Harry Stillwell
1 English, Thomas Dunn
1 Farnham, Thomas Jefferson
4 Fielding, Henry
1 Fields, James Thomas
2 Filmer, Sir Robert
1 Finch, Sir Henry
1 Fish, Simon
1 Fisher, John
1 Fleming, Isaac Plant
1 Flint, Timothy
1 Fontanes, Louis, Marquis de
1 Fowler, William Chauncey
1 Frey, Joseph Samuel Christian Frederick
1 Frothingham, Octavius Brooks
2 Gaillard, Carl
1 Gallaudet, Rev. Thomas Hopkins
3 Gellert, Christian Fürchtegott
1 Gibbes, Robert Wilson
1 Goibaud-Dubois, Philippe
1 Grégoire, Pierre
1 Guéret, Gabriel
1 Hale, Edward Everett
1 Hall, James
1 Hamilton, Anthony
1 Harris, George
9 Hawkesworth, John
1 Hawks, Francis Lister
1 Hayward, Abraham
1 Hecquet, Gustave
2 Helps, Sir Arthur
2 Helwig, Christoph
2 Henning, Aegidius
1 Hetzel, Pierre-Jules
1 Heywood, Samuel
6 Hillard, George Stillman
1 Hillern, Wilhelmine von
1 Hinde, Robert
3 Hitzig, Julius Eduard
2 Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Wilhelm
1 Hollingshead, John
2 Holt, Henry
1 Hooker, Herman
1 Hopkins, John Henry
1 House, Edward Howard
2 Howitt, Mary
3 Hrotsvit of Gandersheim
1 Huard, Adrien-Henri
26 Johnson, Samuel
1 Jones, John Beauchamp
1 Jouy, Victor Joseph Étienne de
1 Karr, Jean Baptiste Alphonse
2 Kayser, Albrecht Christoph
1 Kempis, Thomas à
1 Knigge, Adolph Baron von
1 Knight, Charles
1 Kératry, Emile, Comte de
1 L'Estrange, Roger
1 L'Estrange, Sir Roger
11 La Fontaine, Jean de
1 La Rochefoucauld, François, 6th Duc de
1 Lanier, Clifford Anderson
1 Lanman, Charles
1 Lavergne, Léonce Guilhaud de
1 Le Jeune, Nicolas, Sieur de Franqueville
4 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
1 Lichtenthal, Pietro
1 Longman, William
1 Ludewig, Johann Peter von
7 Luneau de Boisjermain, Pierre-Joseph-Francois
19 Luther, Martin
1 Macdiarmid, John
1 Mackenzie, Alexander Slidell
3 Maittaire, Michael
3 Marmontel, Jean François
1 Marsh, Anne, née Caldwell
2 Matthews, William
1 McLeod, John
1 Mejía, Pedro
1 Melanchthon, Philip
8 Milnes, Richard Monckton, 1st Baron Houghton
1 Monnier, Henri
2 Montagu, Basil
1 Moréri, Louis
2 Moscherosch, Johann Michel
1 Mosellanus, Petrus
1 Muzzey, Artemas Bowers
1 Müller, Johann Gottwerth
1 Neudörffer, Johann the Elder
3 Nicolai, Friedrich
2 Nodier, Charles
1 Pardoe, Julia
1 Parker, Richard Green
1 Pellico, Silvio
2 Perrault, Charles
2 Petrus Hispanus
5 Peutinger, Konrad
2 Phayer, Thomas
3 Phillips, Willard
1 Picard, Edmond
2 Pirckheimer, Willibald
8 Pluquet, François-André-Adrien
1 Poore, Benjamin Perley
1 Potter, Rev. John Philips
2 Prime, Samuel Irenaeus
6 Putnam, George Haven
3 Raleigh, Sir Walter
1 Ramler, Karl Wilhelm
1 Rapicio, Grovita
2 Reimarus, Johann Albert Heinrich
2 Reuchlin, Johannes
1 Rhenanus, Beatus
1 Robinson, Solon
4 Rosebery, Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th Earl of
10 Rousseau, Jean Jacques
1 Roy, William
2 Ruskin, John
11 Russell, John, 1st Earl Russell
4 Rösslin, Eucharius
1 Rösslin, Eucharius Jr
1 Saint Pierre, Jacques Henri Bernardin de
1 Saint-Evremond, Charles Marguetel de Saint Denis, Seigneur de
1 Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy, Duc de
2 Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin
1 Salvandy, Narcisse-Achille de
1 Schlettwein, Johann August
2 Schupp, Johann Balthasar
1 Skinner, Thomas Harvey
2 Smith, William Henry
1 Smith, William Russell
2 Spangenberg, Cyriacus
2 Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine
6 Swift, Jonathan
1 Swifte, Edmund Lewis Lenthall
1 Tomitano, Bernardino
1 Trentacinquius, Alessandro
1 Trevelyan, Sir George Otto, 2nd Baronet
2 Turmair, Johann
1 Tyndale, William
2 Ulbach, Louis
1 Van Dyke, Henry
2 Vane, Sir Henry
4 Verplanck, Gulian Crommelin
1 Viardot, Louis
1 Vigny, Alfred Victor, Comte de
6 Villemain, Abel-François
1 Villiaumé, Nicolas
1 Volkmann, Johann Jacob
1 Volney, Constantin François Chasseboeuf, Comte de
1 Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de
7 Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de
1 Von Grimmelshausen, Hans Jakob Christoffel
1 Von Knigge, Adolph Baron
1 Vossius, Gerardus Joannes
2 Walpole, Horace, 4th Earl of Orford
1 Wardlaw, Ralph
1 Watson, John
1 White, Charles
4 Wieland, Christoph Martin
2 Wilberforce, William
1 Ziegler, Caspar

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