The php class imagickLib uses ImageMagick to manipulate images.
Written by Oliver Kührig, viersicht (
At the beginning you have to load and instantiate the class. After these steps load the image, make as many "actions" as you want and finally save it to a new file.
Here we read the file "Bambus.jpg", resize it and save it into a new file.
// include the class file (required) include('class.imagickLib.php'); // make a instance of the class (required) $l_oImageMagick = new imagickLib(); // image input by file $l_oImageMagick->input("file", "./img/Bambus.jpg"); // resize the image to max. 400px width and max. 300px height $l_oImageMagick->actionResize(400, 300); // image output into file named "testpic0" $l_oImageMagick->output("file", "testpic0");
Locate the binary files of ImageMagick. By default it is "/usr/bin/".
var $imageMagickDir = '/usr/bin/'; // ImageMagick binary files
Enable or disable logging. Define the logfile-path and file. The file needs write permission by the webserver.
var $log = true; // write log file, if true var $logDir = './'; // logfile dir var $logFile = 'imagickLib.log'; // logfile name
imagickLib produces temporary file. Define the temporary directory to store them. In the end the files will be deleted by the "cleanUp"-method.
var $tempDir = '/var/tmp/'; // httpd must be able to write there
Defines the default directory to store the resulting images. Can be changed while using the class.
var $targetDir = './'; // target dir for the result picture
Defines the JPG-Quality
var $jpgQuality = '65'; // quality for JPG images
To produce small image-files, strip all profile informations for example exif data. You have to perform at least one "actionConvert()"
var $stripProfile = true; // if set to true on conversion image profile information will be stripped
The input-method knows three possibilities to load images:
$l_oImageMagick->input("file", "./img/Bambus.jpg"); $l_oImageMagick->input("binary", file_get_contents("./img/Bambus.jpg")); $l_oImageMagick->input("http", "");
To get the produced image you can use two ways:
$l_oImageMagick->output("file", "testpic0"); $l_oImageMagick->output("binary");
The class provides you different methods to manipulate images.
Blur the image with a gaussian operator. Define the radius as first and the sigma as second parameter.
$l_oImageMagick->actionBlur(5, 2);
Resize the image to given size. Make a transpanrent border around the image to fit the size. The direction parameter defines the position of the filling image.
$l_oImageMagick->actionBorder(400, 300, 'north');
Converts the picture in a new format. Possible values are 'jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp', ...
Crops the image to given size. The example crops the image at center 100x100 pixel.
Third parameter:
$l_oImageMagick->actionCrop(100, 100, 'center');
Flips the image "horizontal" (default) or "vertical"
Draws a frame around the image with a width (default=5) and a color (default="666666")
$l_oImageMagick->actionFrame(6, "FF0000");
Create soft fuzzy shadows
Converts the image to grayscale
Labels the image. Produce a alpha-transparent gray background with white text.
$l_oImageMagick->actionLabel("Testlabel Test2 Test3 Test4", "south");
Produce many polaroid images with random rotation.
Converts the image to monochrome (2 color black-white)
Converts the image to negative
Polaroid-like image with white border, a shadow, rotation. The parameter defines the rotation in degrees.
Resize the image to given size. Third parameter defines the method:
$l_oImageMagick->actionResize(400, 300);
Rotates the image by given degree. Second optional parameter defines the color in background (default is white). The third parameter:
Square the image by to different methods:
$l_oImageMagick->actionSquare('border', 'FFA200');
After all is done, you should perform the cleanUp-method to delete all temporary files.
Go steps back and virtually delete actions. The parameter defines the amount of actions to revoke (default is 1). In this example we undo the crop-action.
include('class.imagickLib.php'); $l_oImageMagick = new imagickLib(); $l_oImageMagick->input("file", "./img/Bambus.jpg"); $l_oImageMagick->actionGrayscale(); $l_oImageMagick->actionCrop(100, 100, 'center'); $l_oImageMagick->output("file", "testpic0"); $l_oImageMagick->goBackInAction(1); $l_oImageMagick->actionFrame(1, "000000"); $l_oImageMagick->actionFuzzyShadow(); $l_oImageMagick->output("file", "testpic1"); $l_oImageMagick->cleanUp();
For debug-purpose use the printError-method to print errors.